WDS 07292-4318 DUN 51 (Sig Pup) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
DUN 51 sig Pup. LDS 186. A is a spectroscopic binary.
sig Pup Hipparcos astrometric solution adopted some elements from the orbit of HIP1997d
Wilson (1917). WRE1917
refcode metd author reference
HIP1997d orb - Hipparcos 1997yCat.1239....0E
HIP1997d Hipparcos Catalog, ESA SP-1200, 1997
HIP1997d (DMSA/O Orbital Solutions)
Jnc2005 orb - Jancart, S., Jorrisen, A., Babusiaux, C., & Pourbaix, D. 2005A&A...442..365J
Jnc2005 A&A 442, 365, 2005
WRE1917 - Wilson, R.E. 1917LicOB...9..117W
WRE1917 Lick Obs. Bull. 9, 117, 1917
idgroup discov author
1 DUN Dunlop, J.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07292-4318 DUN 51 2007 23 74 22.1 3.25 8.81 K5III N D 072913.88-431806.8
07292-4318 DUN 51 2011 26 73 21.5 3.25 8.81 K5III N 072913.88-431806.8
07292-4318 DUN 51 2015 27 74 22.1 3.25 8.81 K5III N 072913.83-431805.1
07292-4318 DUN 51 2016 29 74 22.1 3.25 8.81 K5III N 072913.83-431805.1

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.