07292-4318 DUN 51 (Sig Pup)

07h 29m 13.83s -43° 18' 05.1" P.A. 74.00 sep 22.1 mag 3.25,8.81 Sp K5III dist. 59.38 pc (193.7 l.y.)
Coord 2000 07292-4318 Discov num DUN  51 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 07 29 13.83 -43 18 05.1
Date first 1826 Date last 2016 Obs 29
Pa first 90 Pa last 73.8 P.A. Now (θ) 73.8°
Sep first 18.0 Sep last 22.071 Sep. Now (ρ) 22.071"
Mag pri 3.25 Mag sec 8.81 delta mag (ΔM) 5.56 Spectral class K5III (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -055 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +187 Sec motion dec
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name Sig Pup Constellation Puppis SAO 218755 HIP 36377
Tycho2 7655-02687-1 Gaia DR2 5512070906388269568 HD 59717 HR 2878
GC 10040 CD CD-43 3260 CP CP-43 1499 Bayer Sigma Puppis
Bayer name Sig Pup FK5 1194 Distance 59.38 Distance ly 193.7
Bayer greek σ Pup
Period (P)257.8d Periastron (T)48488.582d (1991.633y)± 3.6527 Semi-major axis (a)8.18m± 0.57
Eccentricity (e)0.17 Inclination (i)68.06°± 5.08 Longitude of periastron (ω)349.3°
Node (Ω)331.97°± 5.36 Notesn ReferenceHIP1997d
Equinox Last observation1991 Grade9(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000-01-01 265.6 0.003
2001-01-01 98.1 0.004
2002-01-01 169.6 0.007
2003-01-01 350.0 0.006
2004-01-01 150.0 0.010
2005-01-01 313.2 0.005
2006-01-01 128.3 0.006
2007-01-01 194.1 0.004
2008-01-01 28.8 0.003
2009-01-01 158.5 0.009
2010-01-01 332.1 0.007
2011-01-01 141.3 0.009
2012-01-01 266.8 0.003
2013-01-01 98.8 0.004
2014-01-01 169.8 0.007
2015-01-01 350.3 0.006
2016-01-01 150.1 0.010
2017-01-01 313.6 0.005
2018-01-01 128.6 0.007
2019-01-01 194.7 0.004
2020-01-01 29.7 0.003
2021-01-01 158.6 0.009
2022-01-01 332.4 0.007
2023-01-01 141.5 0.009
2024-01-01 267.9 0.003
2025-01-01 99.5 0.004
2026-01-01 170.0 0.007
2027-01-01 350.6 0.006
2028-01-01 150.2 0.010
2029-01-01 314.0 0.005
2030-01-01 128.8 0.007

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds07292-4318r.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic
Period (P)257.8d Periastron (T)20418.6d (1914.78y) Semi-major axis (a)8.32m± 0.32
Eccentricity (e)0.17 Inclination (i)65.6°± 3.3 Longitude of periastron (ω)349.3°
Node (Ω)± 5.2 Notesn ReferenceJnc2005
Equinox Last observation1992 Grade9(1=Definitive, 9=Indet.)
label theta rho
2000-01-01 211.3 0.006
2001-01-01 38.4 0.005
2002-01-01 183.2 0.010
2003-01-01 352.6 0.007
2004-01-01 163.3 0.008
2005-01-01 259.7 0.003
2006-01-01 99.9 0.004
2007-01-01 193.7 0.008
2008-01-01 11.0 0.007
2009-01-01 174.2 0.009
2010-01-01 326.2 0.005
2011-01-01 145.3 0.006
2012-01-01 211.7 0.006
2013-01-01 39.0 0.005
2014-01-01 183.3 0.010
2015-01-01 352.9 0.007
2016-01-01 163.5 0.008
2017-01-01 260.8 0.003
2018-01-01 100.9 0.004
2019-01-01 193.9 0.008
2020-01-01 11.2 0.007
2021-01-01 174.3 0.010
2022-01-01 326.8 0.005
2023-01-01 145.7 0.006
2024-01-01 212.0 0.006
2025-01-01 39.6 0.004
2026-01-01 183.4 0.010
2027-01-01 353.2 0.007
2028-01-01 163.7 0.008
2029-01-01 261.9 0.003
2030-01-01 101.8 0.004

grafico orbita
Note: Theta is PA, Rho is Sep. For yearly orbits, data refer to Jan 1st.


wds07292-4318s.png orbit plot
Measures: green=micrometric, blue=interferometric, purple=photographic