07183-3644 JC 10 CD

07h 18m 32.46s -36° 46' 08.1" P.A. 209.00 sep 3.1 mag 8.67,9.18 Sp A0/1V dist. 250 pc (815.5 l.y.)
Coord 2000 07183-3644 Discov num JC   10 Comp CD Coord arcsec 2000 07 18 32.46 -36 46 08.1
Date first 1846 Date last 2015 Obs 17
Pa first 212 Pa last 208.9 P.A. Now (θ) 208.9°
Sep first 3.0 Sep last 3.06 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.06"
Mag pri 8.67 Mag sec 9.18 delta mag (ΔM) 0.51 Spectral class A0/1V (white)
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra -008
Pri motion dec +023 Sec motion dec +010
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show NV Pup 197824 07 18 18 -36 44 02 JC 10 AB 2011 23 102 241.6 4.66 5.07 0.41
Show 197837 07 18 38 -36 44 34 JC 10 BC 2011 11 215 118.9 5.07 8.67 3.60
Show 197833 07 18 32 -36 46 08 JC 10 CD 2015 17 209 3.1 8.67 9.18 0.51 <===
Quadruple system
4 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Puppis SAO 197833 HIP 35386 Tycho2 7115-03018-1
Gaia DR2 5589410172036625408 HD 57194 CD CD-36 3516 Distance 250
Distance ly 815.5
WDS 07183-3644 JC 10 CD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
JC 10 A is the variable NV Pup. Spectrum composite; B2V+B3IVne. B is NW Pup.
refcode metd author reference
Jc_1847 Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1847MmRAS..16..311J
Jc_1847 +orb MemRAS 16, 311, 1847
Jc_1847b Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1847MNRAS...8...16J
Jc_1847b MNRAS 8, 16, 1847
Jc_1848a Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1848MadOO....8a..57
Jc_1848a Madras Obs. 57, 1848-1852
Jc_1848b Ma j Jacob, W.S. 1854MadOO....8b...1
Jc_1848b Madras Obs. 8, 1848-1852 Appendix
Jc_1849 Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1849MmRAS..17...79J
Jc_1849 +orb MemRAS 17, 79, 1849
Jc_1850 Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1850MNRAS..10..170J
Jc_1850 MNRAS 10, 170, 1850
Jc_1854 Ma j Jacob, W.S. 1854MNRAS..14..242J
Jc_1854 MNRAS 14, 242, 1854
Jc_1855a orb - Jacob, W.S. 1855MNRAS..15..178J
Jc_1855a MNRAS 15, 178, 1855
Jc_1855b orb - Jacob, W.S. 1855MNRAS..15..205J
Jc_1855b MNRAS 15, 205, 1855
Jc_1855C Ma j Jacob, W.S. 1855MNRAS..15..161F
Jc_1855C cited by Fletcher (MNRAS 15, 161, 1855)
Jc_1856 orb - Jacob, W.S. 1856AN.....44...43J
Jc_1856 AN 44, 43, #1035, 1856
Jc_1856b - Jacob, W.S. 1856MNRAS..17...19J
Jc_1856b MNRAS 17, 19, 1856
Jc_1860 Ma j Jacob, W.S. 1860MmRAS..28...13J
Jc_1860 MemRAS 28, 13, 1860
Jc_1867 Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1867MmRAS..35..137D
Jc_1867 cited by Dawes (MemRAS 35, 137, 1867)
Jc_1875A Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1875AN.....85..323D
Jc_1875A cited by Doberck, 1875 (see Dob1875b,f,g,h)
Jc_1880A Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1880MNRAS..40..497B
Jc_1880A cited by Burnham (MNRAS 40, 497, 1880)
Jc_1896A orb - Jacob, W.S. 1896QB421.S5.......
Jc_1896A cited by See (Evolution of Stellar Systems, v1, 1896)
Jc_1906A Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
Jc_1906A cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
Jc_1927A Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1927sdsc.book......
Jc_1927A cited in SDS (Southern Double Star Cat.), 1927
Jc_1937A Ma - Jacob, W.S. 1937AnLei..18....1S
Jc_1937A cited by Strand (Ann. Sterrew. Leiden 18, 1937)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07183-3644 JC 10 CD 1999 15 206 2.3 8.67 9.18 A0/1V N D 071832.46-364608.1
07183-3644 JC 10 CD 2015 17 209 3.1 8.67 9.18 A0/1V N 071832.46-364608.1

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