05276+3445 L 6 (HD 35619)

05h 27m 36.14s +34° 45' 18.9" P.A. 307.00 sep 2.8 mag 8.71,12.20 Sp O7.5V
Coord 2000 05276+3445 Discov num L     6 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 05 27 36.14 +34 45 18.9
Date first 1899 Date last 2008 Obs 4
Pa first 303 Pa last 307.2 P.A. Now (θ) 307.2°
Sep first 2.3 Sep last 2.772 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.772"
Mag pri 8.71 Mag sec 12.20 delta mag (ΔM) 3.49 Spectral class O7.5V (blue)
Pri motion ra +001 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -003 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 35619 Constellation Auriga SAO 58048 Tycho2 2411-01292-1
Gaia DR2 182855316348701824 HD 35619 ADS 4041
WDS 05276+3445 L 6 (HD 35619) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
L__1891 orb - Lewis, T. 1891MNRAS..51..462L
L__1891 MNRAS 51, 462, 1891
L__1894a Ma - Lewis, T. 1894MNRAS..54..314.
L__1894a MNRAS 54, 314, 1894
L__1894b Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Edney, D.J.) 1894MNRAS..54..314.
L__1894b MNRAS 54, 314, 1894
L__1894c Ma j Lewis, T. (measure by Turner, H.) 1894MNRAS..54..314.
L__1894c MNRAS 54, 314, 1894
L__1894d Ma - Lewis, T. 1894RGOO...........
L__1894d Greenwich Observations, 1894
L__1894e orb - Lewis, T. 1894MNRAS..55...19L
L__1894e MNRAS 55, 19, 1894; MNRAS 55, 341, 1894
L__1895a Ma - Lewis, T. 1895RGOO...........
L__1895a Greenwich Observations, 1895
L__1895b Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Bowyer, W.M.) 1895RGOO...........
L__1895b Greenwich Observations, 1895
L__1895c Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Christie, W.H.) 1895RGOO...........
L__1895c Greenwich Observations, 1895
L__1895d Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Hollis, H.P.) 1895RGOO...........
L__1895d Greenwich Observations, 1895
L__1895e Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Maunder, E.W.) 1895RGOO...........
L__1895e Greenwich Observations, 1895
L__1895f Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Niblett) 1895RGOO...........
L__1895f Greenwich Observations, 1895
L__1895g orb - Lewis, T. 1895MNRAS..56...33L
L__1895g MNRAS 56, 33, 1895
L__1896a Ma j Lewis, T. 1896RGOO...........
L__1896a Greenwich Observations, 1896 (data also in MNRAS 59, 400, 1899) 1899MNRAS..59..400.
L__1896b Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Edney, D.J.) 1896RGOO...........
L__1896b Greenwich Observations, 1896 (data also in MNRAS 59, 400, 1899) 1899MNRAS..59..400.
L__1896c Ma j Lewis, T. (measure by Melotte, P.) 1896RGOO...........
L__1896c Greenwich Observations, 1896 (data also in MNRAS 59, 400, 1899) 1899MNRAS..59..400.
L__1896d Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Niblett) 1896RGOO...........
L__1896d Greenwich Observations, 1896 (data also in MNRAS 59, 400, 1899) 1899MNRAS..59..400.
L__1897 Ma - Lewis, T. 1897RGOO...........
L__1897 +Po Greenwich Observations, 1897
L__1898a Ma j Lewis, T. 1898RGOO...........
L__1898a Greenwich Observations, 1898
L__1898b Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Cowell, P.H.) 1898RGOO...........
L__1898b Greenwich Observations, 1898
L__1898c Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Melotte, P.) 1898RGOO...........
L__1898c Greenwich Observations, 1898
L__1899a Ma j Lewis, T. 1899RGOO...........
L__1899a Greenwich Observations, 1899 (data also in MNRAS 60, 494, 1900) 1900MNRAS..60..494.
L__1899b Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Cowell, P.H.) 1899RGOO...........
L__1899b Greenwich Observations, 1899 (data also in MNRAS 60, 494, 1900) 1900MNRAS..60..494.
L__1899c Ma - Lewis, T. (measure by Dyson, F.) 1899RGOO...........
L__1899c Greenwich Observations, 1899 (data also in MNRAS 60, 494, 1900) 1900MNRAS..60..494.
L__1899d Ma j Lewis, T. (measure by Melotte, P.) 1899RGOO...........
L__1899d Greenwich Observations, 1899 (data also in MNRAS 60, 494, 1900) 1900MNRAS..60..494.
L__1900 Ma j Lewis, T. 1900RGOO...........
L__1900 Greenwich Observations, 1900 (data also in MNRAS 61, 486, 1901) 1901MNRAS..61..486.
L__1900c Ma - Lewis, T. 1900MNRAS..60..595.
L__1900c MNRAS 60, 595, 1900
L__1901 Ma - Lewis, T. 1901RGOO...........
L__1901 Greenwich Observations, 1901 (data also in MNRAS 62, 383, 1902) 1902MNRAS..62..383E
L__1902a Ma - Lewis, T. 1902RGOO...........
L__1902a Greenwich Observations, 1902 (data also in MNRAS 63, 403, 1903) 1903MNRAS..63..403.
L__1903 Ma - Lewis, T. 1903RGOO...........
L__1903 Greenwich Observations, 1903 (data also in MNRAS 64, 789, 1904) 1904MNRAS..64..789.
L__1904 Ma j Lewis, T. 1904RGOO...........
L__1904 Greenwich Observations, 1904 (data also in MNRAS 66, 17, 1905) 1905MNRAS..66...17L
L__1905 Ma - Lewis, T. 1905RGOO...........
L__1905 Greenwich Observations, 1905
L__1906a Ma - Lewis, T. 1906RGOO...........
L__1906a Greenwich Observations, 1906 (data also in MNRAS 68, 39, 1907) 1907MNRAS..68...39.
L__1906b Ma - Lewis, T. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
L__1906b +orb MemRAS 56, 1906
L__1907 Ma j Lewis, T. 1907RGOO...........
L__1907 Greenwich Observations, 1907 (data also in MNRAS 68, 525, 1908) 1908MNRAS..68..525L
L__1908 Ma - Lewis, T. 1908RGOO...........
L__1908 Greenwich Observations, 1908 (data also in MNRAS 69, 588, 1909) 1909MNRAS..69..588.
L__1909 Ma - Lewis, T. 1909RGOO...........
L__1909 Greenwich Observations, 1909 (data also in MNRAS 70, 630, 1910) 1910MNRAS..70..630.
L__1911 Ma j Lewis, T. 1911MNRAS..71..728.
L__1911 MNRAS 71, 728, 1911
L__1912 Ma - Lewis, T. 1912MNRAS..73...93E
L__1912 MNRAS 73, 93, 1912 (all data also in L__1921)
L__1921 Ma - Lewis, T. .
L__1921 Greenwich Cat. of Double Stars, 1921
L__1932A Ma - Lewis, T. 1932QB821.A43......
L__1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
L__1937A Ma - Lewis, T. 1937AnLei..18....1S
L__1937A cited by Strand (Ann. Sterrew. Leiden 18, 1937)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05276+3445 L 6 1986 3 310 2.7 8.71 12.20 O7 052736.14+344518.9
05276+3445 L 6 2008 4 307 2.8 8.71 12.20 O7 052736.14+344518.9

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WDS 05276+3445 L 6 (HD 35619) : MEASURES
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