07057+2728 LMP 38 AC

07h 05m 42.24s +27° 28' 15.0" P.A. 125.00 sep 74.0 mag 10.39,14.11 Sp M0V
Coord 2000 07057+2728 Discov num LMP  38 Comp AC Coord arcsec 2000 07 05 42.24 +27 28 15.0
Date first 1998 Date last 2015 Obs 7
Pa first 126 Pa last 124.8 P.A. Now (θ) 124.8°
Sep first 74.3 Sep last 73.967 Sep. Now (ρ) 73.967"
Mag pri 10.39 Mag sec 14.11 delta mag (ΔM) 3.72 Spectral class M0V (red)
Pri motion ra -047 Sec motion ra -001
Pri motion dec -097 Sec motion dec +000
This double is not physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 07 05 42 +27 28 15 WOR 18 AB 2015 13 323 13.5 10.38 14.79 4.41
Show 07 05 42 +27 28 15 LMP 38 AC 2015 7 125 74.0 10.39 14.11 3.72 <===
Show 07 05 42 +27 28 15 LMP 38 AD 2015 7 145 81.2 10.39 14.41 4.02
Show 07 05 42 +27 28 15 LMP 38 AE 2015 7 205 96.5 10.39 12.81 2.42
Show 07 05 42 +27 28 15 LMP 38 AF 2015 7 219 94.5 10.39 14.68 4.29
Sextuple system
6 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Gemini Tycho2 1903-01306-1 Gaia DR2 884039857341503616
WDS 07057+2728 LMP 38 AC : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Lmp2001a C j Lampens, P. & Strigachev, A. 2001A&A...368..572L
Lmp2001a +orb A&A 368, 572, 2001
Lmp2001b C j Lampens, P., Oblak, E., Duval, D., & Chareton, M. 2001A&A...374..132L
Lmp2001b A&A 374, 132, 2001
Lmp2001b (Differential measures of cluster members were not added to the WDS, at the
Lmp2001b request of the author.)
Lmp2004 C j Strigachev, A. & Lampens, P. 2004A&A...422.1023S
Lmp2004 A&A 422, 1023, 2004
Lmp2005 orb - Lampens, P., Fremat, Y., & Hensberge, H. 2005IAUDS.157....1L
Lmp2005 Inf. Circ. 157, 1, 2005
Lmp2007 C j Lampens, P., Strigachev, A., & Duval, D. 2007A&A...464..641L
Lmp2007 A&A 464, 641, 2007
Lmp2008 orb - Lampens, P., Fremat, Y., Hensberge, H., Tamazian, V., Docobo, J.A., & Balega, Y. 2008msah.conf...59L
Lmp2008 ESO Symp. "Multiple Stars Across the HR Diagram", p 59, 2008
Lmp2011 orb - Torres, K.B.V., Lampens, P., Fremat, Y., Hensberge, H., Lebreton, Y., & Skoda, P. 2011A&A...525A..50T
Lmp2011 A&A 525, A50, 2011
Lmp2013 A j Lampens, P., Prieur, J.-L., Argyle, R.W., & Cuypers, J. 2013AN....334..237L
Lmp2013 AN 334, 237, 2013
Lmp2013 (Multiple measures for same epoch, due to two reduction techniques. JHK component
Lmp2013 magnitudes derived using differential photometry plus combined magnitudes from
Lmp2013 2MASS and other sources.)
Lmp2016 C j Lampens, P. & Van Cauteren, P. 2016O&T....84...18L
Lmp2016 Obs. et Travaux 84, 18, 2016
Wor1956a Ma - Worley, C.E. 1956PASP...68..452W
Wor1956a PASP 68, 452, 1956
Wor1956b Ma - Worley, C.E. 1956AJ.....61..162W
Wor1956b AJ 61, 162, 1956
Wor1957 Ma - Worley, C.E. 1957AJ.....62..153W
Wor1957 AJ 62, 153, 1957
Wor1960 Ma - Worley, C.E. 1960AJ.....65..156W
Wor1960 AJ 65, 156, 1960
Wor1961 Ma - Worley, C.E. 1961PASP...73..167W
Wor1961 PASP 73, 167, 1961
Wor1961 (discovery measures WOR 14 - 26; more precise measures published in Wor1962a) 1962AJ.....67..396W
Wor1962a Ma - Worley, C.E. 1962AJ.....67..396W
Wor1962a AJ 67, 396, 1962
Wor1962b Ma j Worley, C.E. 1962AJ.....67..403W
Wor1962b AJ 67, 403, 1962
Wor1963a Ma - Worley, C.E. 1963AJ.....68..114W
Wor1963a AJ 68, 114, 1963
Wor1963b orb - Worley, C.E. 1964PUSNO..18....2W
Wor1963b Pub. USNO 18, Pt. 3, 1963 (Orbit Catalog)
Wor1967a Ma - Worley, C.E. 1967AJ.....72..899W
Wor1967a AJ 72, 899, 1967
Wor1967b Ma j Worley, C.E. 1967PUSNO..18....1W
Wor1967b Pub. USNO 18, Pt. 6, 1967
Wor1969 Zp - Worley, C.E. 1969AJ.....74..764W
Wor1969 AJ 74, 764, 1969 (double-image micrometer with Lick 36in + 12 in refractors)
Wor1971 Ma j Worley, C.E. 1972PUSNO..22....1W
Wor1971 +Mb Pub. USNO 22, Pt. 2, 1971
Wor1972a Ma j Worley, C.E. 1972PUSNO..22....2W
Wor1972a +Mb Pub. USNO 22, Pt. 4, 1972
Wor1972b Mb j Worley, C.E. 1972AJ.....77..878W
Wor1972b AJ 77, 878, 1972
Wor1972c Ma - Lippincott, S.L. & Hershey, J.L. (measure by Worley) 1972AJ.....77..679L
Wor1972c AJ 77, 679, 1972
Wor1973a orb - Worley, C.E. 1973IAUDS..61....1W
Wor1973a Inf. Circ. 61, 1, 1973
Wor1973b orb - Worley, C.E. & Behall, A.L. 1973AJ.....78..650W
Wor1973b AJ 78, 650, 1973
Wor1978 Ma j Worley, C.E. 1978PUSNO..24....1W
Wor1978 +Mb Pub. USNO 24, Pt. 6, 1978
Wor1981 orb - Worley, C.E. 1981PASP...93..772W
Wor1981 PASP 93, 772, 1981
Wor1983 - Worley, C.E. & Heintz, W.D. 1983PUSNO..24g...1W
Wor1983 Pub. USNO 24, Pt. 7, 1983 (Fourth Orbit Catalog)
Wor1984 M - Worley, C.E. 1984ApJ...278L.109W
Wor1984 ApJ 278, L109, 1984 (all data also in Wor1989)
Wor1989 Ma j Worley, C.E. 1989PUSNO..25....1W
Wor1989 +Mb Pub. USNO 25, Pt. 3, 1989
Wor1998 Ma j Worley, C.E. & Mason, B.D. 1998AJ....116..917W
Wor1998 AJ 116, 917, 1998
Wor2001 - Worley, C.E., Mason, B.D., & Wycoff, G.L. 2001AJ....122.3482W
Wor2001 AJ 122, 3482, 2001
Wor2001 (description of Magnitude Difference Catalog for USNO CD-ROM; no data)
Wor9999 Po j Worley, C.E. ...................
Wor9999 Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
07057+2728 LMP 38 AC 2004 2 125 74.1 10.38 13.98 M0V D 070542.24+272815.0
07057+2728 LMP 38 AC 2015 4 125 74.0 10.39 14.11 M0V 070542.24+272815.0

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 07057+2728 LMP 38 AC : MEASURES
No records found.


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WDS 07057+2728 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @
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