16102-8414 HJ 4798 (HD 142022)

16h 10m 15.03s -84° 13' 53.8" P.A. 129.00 sep 20.0 mag 7.69,11.20 Sp K0 dist. 34.33 pc (111.98 l.y.)
Coord 2000 16102-8414 Discov num HJ 4798 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 10 15.03 -84 13 53.8
Date first 1835 Date last 2016 Obs 10
Pa first 139 Pa last 129.1 P.A. Now (θ) 129.1°
Sep first 18.0 Sep last 20.017 Sep. Now (ρ) 20.017"
Mag pri 7.69 Mag sec 11.20 delta mag (ΔM) 3.51 Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange)
Pri motion ra -344 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -034 Sec motion dec
Notes N V (See Notes, Proper motion indicates physical)
This double is physical.
Name HD 142022 Constellation Octans SAO 258738 HIP 79242
Tycho2 9522-00552-1 HD 142022 GC 21507 GL Gl 606.1A
CD CD-83 202 CP CP-83 593 Distance 34.33 Distance ly 111.98
WDS 16102-8414 HJ 4798 (HD 142022) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 4798 LDS 543.
refcode metd author reference
HJ_1826 Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1826MmRAS...2..459H
HJ_1826 MemRAS 2, 459, 1826
HJ_1829a Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1829MmRAS...3...47H
HJ_1829a MemRAS 3, 47, 1829
HJ_1829b Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1829MmRAS...3..177H
HJ_1829b MemRAS 3, 177, 1829
HJ_1831 Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1831MmRAS...4..331H
HJ_1831 +Mb MemRAS 4, part 2, 331, 1831
HJ_1833a Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1833MmRAS...5...13H
HJ_1833a +Mb MemRAS 5, 13, 1833
HJ_1833b orb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1833MmRAS...5..171H
HJ_1833b MemRAS 5, 171, 1833
HJ_1833c Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1833MmRAS...6....1H
HJ_1833c MemRAS 6, 1, 1833
HJ_1833d orb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1833MmRAS...6..149H
HJ_1833d MemRAS 6, 149, 1833
HJ_1835 Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1835MmRAS...8...37H
HJ_1835 +Mb MemRAS 8, 37, 1835
HJ_1836 Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1836MmRAS...9..193H
HJ_1836 MemRAS 9, 193, 1836
HJ_1847a Ma j Herschel, J.F.W. .
HJ_1847a +Mb Cape Results, London, 1847 (Cape of Good Hope Astronomical Observations 1834-1838)
HJ_1847b Ma j Herschel, J.F.W. .
HJ_1847b Cape Results, London, 1847
HJ_1850 orb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1850MmRAS..18...47H
HJ_1850 MemRAS 18, 47, 1850
HJ_1870 Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1870MmRAS..38....1H
HJ_1870 MemRAS 38, 1, 1870
HJ_1874A - Herschel, J.F.W. 1874MNRAS..35...28B
HJ_1874A cited by Burnham (MNRAS 35, 28, 1874)
HJ_1875A Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1875AN.....85..323D
HJ_1875A +Mb cited by Doberck, 1875 (see Dob1875b,f,g,h)
HJ_1880A Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1880Obs.....3..508G
HJ_1880A +Mb cited by Gledhill (Obs 3, 508, 1880)
HJ_1880B Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1880MNRAS..40..497B
HJ_1880B cited by Burnham (MNRAS 40, 497, 1880)
HJ_1897A Ma j Herschel, J.F.W. 1897MNRAS..57..541S
HJ_1897A cited by See (MNRAS 57, 541, 1897)
HJ_1905A Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1905LicOB...3..147A
HJ_1905A +Mb cited by Aitken (Lick Obs. Bull. 3, 147, 1905)
HJ_1906A Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
HJ_1906A +Mb cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
HJ_1906B Ma - Herschel, J.F.W. 1906QB821.B972.....
HJ_1906B +Mb cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat.), 1906
HJ_1927A Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1927sdsc.book......
HJ_1927A cited in SDS (Southern Double Star Catalog), 1927
HJ_1932A Mb - Herschel, J.F.W. 1932QB821.A43......
HJ_1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
HJ_9999 M j Herschel, J.F.W. ...................
HJ_9999 +Ma Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16102-8414 HJ 4798 2000 6 130 20.4 7.69 11.20 K0 N DV 161016.98-841353.5
16102-8414 HJ 4798 2010 7 129 19.7 7.69 11.20 K0 NV 161016.98-841353.5
16102-8414 HJ 4798 2015 8 129 20.0 7.69 11.20 K0 NV 161015.03-841353.8
16102-8414 HJ 4798 2016 10 129 20.0 7.69 11.20 K0 NV 161015.03-841353.8

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

WDS 16102-8414 HJ 4798 (HD 142022) : VISUAL OBSERVATIONS REPORTS
No records found.

WDS 16102-8414 HJ 4798 (HD 142022) : MEASURES
No records found.

WDS 16102-8414 (HD 142022) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

16102-8414 HJ 4798A mag 7.69 Sp K0 16102-8414 HJ 4798B sep 12.7 P.A. 172.90 mag 11.2 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 16102-8414 (HD 142022) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 16h 10m 15.03s -84° 13' 53.8"
WDS 16102-8414 HJ 4798 (HD 142022) : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

16102-8414  HJ 4798 distance=0' 16158-8407  LDS 546 distance=11' 16216-8406  HJ 4816AB distance=19' 16192-8455  KPP2970 distance=44' 16013-8458  TDS9731 distance=46' 15560-8331  TDS9696 distance=49' 16213-8315  RST3000 distance=62' 16066-8304  TDS9758 distance=71' 16150-8227  RST2993 distance=107' 16003-8104  UC 3103 distance=191' 15586-8045  RST2981 distance=210' 16147-7931  UC 3140 distance=283' 16047-7931  KPP1760 distance=284' 15519-7930  R   266 distance=287' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 16102-8414 HJ 4798 129 20.0
Show 16158-8407 LDS 546 40 15.0 11
Show 16216-8406 HJ 4816 AB 345 28.4 19
Show 16192-8455 KPP2970 168 17.9 44
Show 16013-8458 TDS9731 24 1.5 46
Show 15560-8331 TDS9696 240 0.5 49
Show 16213-8315 RST3000 108 0.8 62
Show 16066-8304 TDS9758 193 0.5 71
Show 16150-8227 RST2993 296 1.4 107
Show 16003-8104 UC 3103 282 33.4 191
Show 15586-8045 RST2981 293 6.9 210
Show 16147-7931 UC 3140 275 140.8 283
Show 16047-7931 KPP1760 19 13.6 284
Show 15519-7930 R 266 20 21.4 287

WDS 16102-8414 : COMPONENTS
B pa=172.9°
16102-8414 A
Componente originario normalizzato AB Name HD 142022 Coord arcsec 2000 161015.03-841353.8 Mag 7.69
Spectral class K0 (yellow-orange) PmRA -344.00 PmDE -34.0 SAO 258738
HIP 79242 Tycho2 9522-00552-1 HD 142022 GC 21507
CD CD-83 202 CP CP-83 593
Tycho2 9522-00552-1 Pflag RAmdeg 242.56258385 DEmdeg -84.23161159
PmRA -338.0 PmDE -31.3 E RAmdeg 5 E DEmdeg 5
E pmRA 1.2 E pmDE 1.2 EpRAm 1991.36 EpDEm 1991.24
Num 13 Q RAmdeg 0.6 Q DEmdeg 0.6 Q pmRA 0.7
Q pmDE 0.6 BTmag 8.670 E BTmag 0.016 VTmag 7.804
E VTmag 0.011 Prox 999 TYC T HIP 79242
CCDM RAdeg 242.57034639 DEdeg -84.23153944 EpRA 1990 1.69
EpDE 1990 1.71 E RAdeg 5.2 E DEdeg 5.1 Posflg
Corr 0.0
SAO 258738 DelFlag RA1950 PmRA1950 -0.2071
DE1950 PmDE1950 -0.007 Vmag 7.7 SpType K0
Double code Source 70 CatNum 21507 DM CP-83 593
DMcomp BDsup HD 142022 M HD 0
GC 21507 RA1950rad 4.18155981 DE1950rad -1.46775776 PmRA2000 -0.2157
PmDE2000 -0.02
Catalog H HIP 79242 Proxy RAhms 16 10 16.98
DEdms -84 13 53.5 Vmag 7.7 VarFlag 1 R Vmag H
RAdeg 242.571 DEdeg -84.2315 AstroRef Plx 27.88
CCDM 16103-8414 N CCDM I Nsys 1 Ncomp 1
MultFlag Source Qual S M HIP
Theta Rho HD 142022 BD
CD CD-83 202 CP CP-83 593 Dm number -83 202 VIred 0.82
SpType K0V R SpType Coord arcsec 2000 161016.98-841353.5
Hipparcos 2
HIP 79242 Sn 5 So 0 Nc 1
RArad 4.2336585098 DErad -1.4701176372 Plx 29.13 PmRA -336.32
PmDE -31.77 E RArad 0.44 E DErad 0.5 E Plx 0.57
E pmRA 0.56 E pmDE 0.7 Hpmag 7.8402 E Hpmag 0.0016
SHp 0.018 VA 0 BV 0.79 E BV 0.01
VI 0.83
16102-8414 B
Componente originario normalizzato AB Coord arcsec 2000 161016.07-841406.4 Mag 11.2 Calc delta mag 3.51
Calc coord yes