22391+4925 ES 106 AB

22h 39m 08.51s +49° 25' 35.6" P.A. 266.00 sep 8.0 mag 9.85,11.03 Sp A0
Coord 2000 22391+4925 Discov num ES  106 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 22 39 08.51 +49 25 35.6
Date first 1900 Date last 2016 Obs 21
Pa first 262 Pa last 265.8 P.A. Now (θ) 265.8°
Sep first 8.1 Sep last 8.015 Sep. Now (ρ) 8.015"
Mag pri 9.85 Mag sec 11.03 delta mag (ΔM) 1.18 Spectral class A0 (white)
Pri motion ra +004 Sec motion ra +004
Pri motion dec -004 Sec motion dec -003
Notes U (Proper motion indicates non-physical)
rPM=0.177 (< 0.3, Physical double)
This double is not physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 22 39 09 +49 25 36 ES 106 AB 2016 21 266 8.0 9.85 11.03 1.18 <===
Show 22 39 09 +49 25 36 WAL 144 AC 2015 11 343 27.8 9.85 13.16 3.31
Triple system
3 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Lacerta Tycho2 3628-00873-1 Gaia DR2 1987206055618079744 ADS 16147
WDS 22391+4925 ES 106 AB : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Es_1901 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1901AN....155..321E
Es_1901 AN 155, 321, 1901 (ES 1 - 39)
Es_1902a Ma - Espin, T.E. 1902AN....158..241E
Es_1902a +Mb AN 158, 241, 1902 (ES 40 - 112)
Es_1902b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1902MNRAS..62..528E
Es_1902b MNRAS 62, 528, 1902
Es_1902c Mb j Espin, T.E. 1902MNRAS..62..402E
Es_1902c MNRAS 62, 402, 1902
Es_1903 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1903MNRAS..63..172E
Es_1903 MNRAS 63, 172, 1903 (ES 113 - 150)
Es_1904a - Espin, T.E. 1904MNRAS..64..238E
Es_1904a MNRAS 64, 238, 1904 (data superceded by MNRAS 65, 710, 1905) 1905MNRAS..65..710E
Es_1904b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1904MNRAS..64..675E
Es_1904b MNRAS 64, 675, 1904
Es_1905 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1905MNRAS..65..710E
Es_1905 MNRAS 65, 710, 1905 (ES 151 - 221)
Es_1906a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MNRAS..66..141E
Es_1906a MNRAS 66, 141, 1906 (ES 222 - 269)
Es_1906b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MNRAS..66..430E
Es_1906b MNRAS 66, 430, 1906 (ES 270 - 311)
Es_1906C Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906QB821.B972.....
Es_1906C cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat.), 1906
Es_1906D Mb - Espin, T.E. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
Es_1906D cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
Es_1907a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1907MNRAS..67..190E
Es_1907a MNRAS 67, 190, 1907 (ES 312 - 403)
Es_1907b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1907MNRAS..67..495E
Es_1907b MNRAS 67, 495, 1907 (ES 404 - 442)
Es_1908a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1908MNRAS..68..202E
Es_1908a MNRAS 68, 202, 1908 (ES 443 - 551)
Es_1908b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1908MNRAS..68..523E
Es_1908b MNRAS 68, 523, 1908 (ES 552 - 609)
Es_1908c - Espin, T.E. 1908JRASC...2..248E
Es_1908c JRASC 2, 248, 1908 (data also in MNRAS 69, 218, 1909) 1909MNRAS..69..218E
Es_1909a Mb j Espin, T.E. 1909MNRAS..69..218E
Es_1909a MNRAS 69, 218, 1909 (ES 610 - 704)
Es_1909b Mb j Espin, T.E. 1909MNRAS..69..604E
Es_1909b MNRAS 69, 604, 1909 (ES 705 - 743)
Es_1910a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1910MNRAS..70..237E
Es_1910a MNRAS 70, 237, 1910 (ES 744 - 864)
Es_1910b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1910MNRAS..70..541E
Es_1910b MNRAS 70, 541, 1910 (ES 865 - 927)
Es_1911 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1911MNRAS..71..217E
Es_1911 MNRAS 71, 217, 1911 (ES 928 - 1051)
Es_1912 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1912MNRAS..72..191E
Es_1912 MNRAS 72, 191, 1912 (ES 1052 - 1125)
Es_1913 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1913MNRAS..73..162E
Es_1913 MNRAS 73, 162, 1913 (ES 1126 - 1191)
Es_1914 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1914MNRAS..74..244E
Es_1914 MNRAS 74, 244, 1914 (ES 1192 - 1293)
Es_1915a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..75..203E
Es_1915a MNRAS 75, 203, 1915 (ES 1294 - 1356)
Es_1915b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..75..555E
Es_1915b MNRAS 75, 555, 1915 (ES 1357 - 1405)
Es_1915c Mb - Espin, T.E. 1915MNRAS..76..210E
Es_1915c MNRAS 76, 210, 1915 (ES 1406 - 1479)
Es_1917 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1917MNRAS..77..236E
Es_1917 MNRAS 77, 236, 1917 (ES 1480 - 1600)
Es_1918 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1918MNRAS..78..189E
Es_1918 MNRAS 78, 189, 1918 (ES 1601 - 1705, MLB 1 - 35)
Es_1919 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1919MNRAS..79..211E
Es_1919 MNRAS 79, 211, 1919 (ES 1706 - 1768, MLB 36 - 106)
Es_1920 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1920MNRAS..80..329E
Es_1920 MNRAS 80, 329, 1920 (ES 1769 - 1805, MLB 107 - 149)
Es_1921 Mb j Espin, T.E. 1921MNRAS..81..232E
Es_1921 MNRAS 81, 232, 1921 (ES 1806 - 1864, MLB 150 - 182)
Es_1922 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1922MNRAS..82..187E
Es_1922 MNRAS 82, 187, 1922 (ES 1865 - 1933, MLB 183 - 241)
Es_1923 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1923MNRAS..83..154E
Es_1923 MNRAS 83, 154, 1923 (ES 1934 - 2006, MLB 242 - 275)
Es_1924 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1924MNRAS..84..162E
Es_1924 MNRAS 84, 162, 1924 (ES 2007 - 2078, MLB 276 - 322)
Es_1925a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1925MNRAS..85..276E
Es_1925a MNRAS 85, 276, 1925 (ES 2079 - 2137, MLB 323 - 376)
Es_1925b Mb - Espin, T.E. 1925MNRAS..86...79E
Es_1925b MNRAS 86, 79, 1925
Es_1926 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1926MNRAS..86..131E
Es_1926 MNRAS 86, 131, 1926 (ES 2138 - 2209, MLB 377 - 440)
Es_1927 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1927MNRAS..87..215E
Es_1927 MNRAS 87, 215, 1927 (ES 2210 - 2273, MLB 441 - 510)
Es_1928 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1928MNRAS..88..185E
Es_1928 MNRAS 88, 185, 1928 (ES 2274 - 2328, MLB 511 - 551)
Es_1929 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1929MNRAS..89..268E
Es_1929 MNRAS 89, 268, 1929 (ES 2329 - 2362, MLB 552 - 591)
Es_1930 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1930MNRAS..90..317E
Es_1930 MNRAS 90, 317, 1930 (ES 2363 - 2400, MLB 592 - 630)
Es_1931 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1931MNRAS..91..294E
Es_1931 MNRAS 91, 294, 1931 (ES 2401 - 2444, MLB 631 - 673)
Es_1932a Mb - Espin, T.E. 1932MNRAS..92..214E
Es_1932a MNRAS 92, 214, 1932 (ES 2445 - 2543, MLB 674 - 732)
Es_1932B Mb - Espin, T.E. 1932QB821.A43......
Es_1932B cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
Es_1933 Mb - Espin, T.E. 1933MNRAS..93..192E
Es_1933 MNRAS 93, 192, 1933 (ES 2544 - 2575, MLB 733 - 806)
Es_1937A Mb - Espin, T.E. 1937AnLei..18....1S
Es_1937A cited by Strand (Ann. Sterrew. Leiden 18, 1937)
Wal1934 Ma j Wallenquist, A. 1934AnBos...6....3W
Wal1934 Ann. Bosscha Obs. Lembang 6, Pt.2, 1934
Wal1944a Zw - Wallenquist, A. 1954MeUpp...85.....
Wal1944a Medd. Uppsala Obs. #85, 1944
Wal1944a (Visual measures with wedge photometer attached to 14-inch refractor. No dates
Wal1944a given for measures; default date = decade of publication added.)
Wal1944b Zw - Wallenquist, A. 1954MeUpp...87.....
Wal1944b Medd. Uppsala Obs. #87, 1944
Wal1944b (Visual measures with wedge photometer attached to 14-inch refractor. No dates
Wal1944b given for measures; default date = decade of publication added.)
Wal1947 Zw - Wallenquist, A. 1947UppAn...2....2W
Wal1947 Ann. Uppsala Astron. Obs. 2, No.2, 1947
Wal1947 (A catalogue containing results of the two prior series, plus additional measures
Wal1947 with the 14-inch refractor and wedge photometer)
Wal1948 Zw - Wallenquist, A. 1948UppAn...2....3W
Wal1948 Ann. Uppsala Astron Obs. 2, #3, 1948
Wal1948 (Visual measures of southern double stars made with 17-inch refractor of La Plata
Wal1948 and wedge photometer. No dates listed; default date = decade of publication added)
Wal1950 Zd - Wallenquist, A. 1950MeUpp..103.....
Wal1950 Medd. Uppsala Obs. #103, 1950
Wal1954 Zw - Wallenquist, A. 1954UppAn...4Q....W
Wal1954 Ann. Uppsala Astron Obs. 4, #2, 1954
Wal1954 ("General Catalogue of Differences in Magnitude of Double Stars". Weighted mean
Wal1954 values from numerous sources)
Wal1958 Zw - Wallenquist, A. 1958MeUpp..118.....
Wal1958 Medd. Uppsala Obs. #118, 1958
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22391+4925 ES 106 AB 2006 14 266 7.8 9.85 11.03 D 223908.51+492535.6
22391+4925 ES 106 AB 2010 17 266 7.6 9.85 11.03 A0 223908.51+492535.6
22391+4925 ES 106 AB 2015 17 266 8.0 9.85 11.03 A0 223908.51+492535.6
22391+4925 ES 106 AB 2016 21 266 8.0 9.85 11.03 A0 U 223908.51+492535.6

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 22391+4925 ES 106 AB : MEASURES
No records found.


22391+4925 ES  106A mag 9.85 Sp A0 22391+4925 ES  106B sep 5.2 P.A. 263.60 mag 11.03 22391+4925 WAL 144C sep 27.1 P.A. 348.50 mag 13.16 virtual eyepiece
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Components only
WDS 22391+4925 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @ 22h 39m 08.51s +49° 25' 35.6"
WDS 22391+4925 ES 106 AB : NEIGHBORHOODS
Primaries only

22391+4925  ES  106AB distance=0' 22380+4914  TDT3626AB distance=16' 22385+4959  TDT3632 distance=35' 22407+4851  COU2662Aa,Ab distance=38' 22407+4851  ES  844AB distance=38' 22430+4911  COU2698 distance=41' 22396+5007  HJ 1797 distance=42' 22397+4844  DAM 302 distance=42' 22398+4843  ES  843 distance=43' 22396+4843  DAM 301 distance=43' 22445+4928  BKO 929 distance=53' 22447+4929  BKO 980 distance=55' 22355+4844  ES  841 distance=55' 22346+5000  HU 1321 distance=56' 22337+4942  BKO 926 distance=56' 22353+4844  ES  840 distance=56' 22336+4943  BKO 925 distance=57' 22450+4928  SAN   3 distance=57' 22402+4828  TDT3645 distance=59' 22332+4941  BKO 919 distance=60' 22335+4949  BKO 924 distance=60' 22343+4849  ES  839BC distance=60' 22430+5012  COU2697 distance=60' 22343+4849  ES  839AB distance=60' 22329+4923  HU 1320 distance=62' 22338+4856  J  3172 distance=62' 22339+4854  J  3173 distance=62' 22331+4946  ES  838AB distance=63' 22331+4946  ES  838AC distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AD distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AE distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AF distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AG distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AH distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AI distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AJ distance=63' 22331+4946  ABH 167AK distance=63' 22329+4948  BKO 917AB distance=65' 22329+4948  BKO 917AC distance=65' 22367+5030  TDT3617 distance=69' 22322+4927  COU2449 distance=69' 22328+4857  ES  540 distance=69' 22336+4840  BVD 275 distance=72' 22342+4830  HJ 1787AB distance=75' 22343+5023  ARG  44 distance=75' 22342+4830  HJ 1787BC distance=75' 22315+4916  ES 1182 distance=75' 22454+4903  HJ 1808 distance=75' 22419+4814  ES  845 distance=77' 22311+4913  ES 1181 distance=80' 22331+5021  ES  105 distance=81' grafico limitrofi
Click on the map to see the double of your interest.
Pass over with the mouse cursor to display the catalog designation.

Show name coord_2000 discov# comp pa sep dist(')
Show 22391+4925 ES 106 AB 266 8.0
Show 22391+4925 WAL 144 AC 343 27.8
Show 22380+4914 TDT3626 AB 44 3.0 16
Show 22385+4959 TDT3632 82 0.6 35
Show 22407+4851 COU2662 Aa,Ab 221 0.7 38
Show 22407+4851 ES 844 AB 40 4.5 38
Show 22430+4911 COU2698 121 0.7 41
Show 22396+5007 HJ 1797 125 15.1 42
Show 22397+4844 DAM 302 213 6.4 42
Show 22398+4843 ES 843 207 8.3 43
Show 22396+4843 DAM 301 122 8.1 43
Show 22445+4928 BKO 929 22 7.6 53
Show 22447+4929 BKO 980 335 7.5 55
Show 22355+4844 ES 841 94 2.7 55
Show 22346+5000 HU 1321 178 3.2 56
Show 22337+4942 BKO 926 46 6.8 56
Show 22353+4844 ES 840 18 3.9 56
Show 22336+4943 BKO 925 227 3.6 57
Show 22450+4928 SAN 3 321 6.2 57
Show 22402+4828 TDT3645 283 2.1 59
Show 22332+4941 BKO 919 10 4.6 60
Show 22335+4949 BKO 924 351 5.1 60
Show 22343+4849 ES 839 BC 76 5.3 60
Show 22430+5012 COU2697 302 0.7 60
Show 22343+4849 ES 839 AB 102 29.8 60
Show 22329+4923 HU 1320 33 0.2 62
Show 22338+4856 J 3172 164 6.1 62
Show 22339+4854 J 3173 199 8.3 62
Show 22331+4946 ES 838 AB 254 6.6 63
Show 22331+4946 ES 838 AC 182 18.9 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AD 196 37.5 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AE 195 33.5 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AF 191 32.4 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AG 46 62.1 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AH 110 44.8 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AI 281 53.6 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AJ 293 73.8 63
Show 22331+4946 ABH 167 AK 275 62.5 63
Show 22329+4948 BKO 917 AB 45 5.4 65
Show 22329+4948 BKO 917 AC 201 8.6 65
Show 22367+5030 TDT3617 149 1.6 69
Show 22322+4927 COU2449 121 1.0 69
Show 22328+4857 ES 540 290 1.5 69
Show 22336+4840 BVD 275 267 20.5 72
Show 22342+4830 HJ 1787 AB 298 8.9 75
Show 22343+5023 ARG 44 167 7.4 75
Show 22342+4830 HJ 1787 BC 255 10.5 75
Show 22315+4916 ES 1182 254 2.1 75
Show 22454+4903 HJ 1808 318 10.7 75
Show 22419+4814 ES 845 35 4.9 77
Show 22311+4913 ES 1181 115 1.8 80

WDS 22391+4925 : COMPONENTS
  A B
B pa=263.6°
C pa=348.5°
22391+4925 A
Coord arcsec 2000 223908.51+492535.6 Mag 9.85 Spectral class A0 (white) PmRA 4.00
PmDE -4.0 Tycho2 3628-00873-1 ADS 16147 DM BD+48 3795
Tycho2 3628-00873-1 Pflag RAmdeg 339.78550105 DEmdeg 49.42656795
PmRA 2.0 PmDE -4.9 E RAmdeg 14 E DEmdeg 14
E pmRA 1.5 E pmDE 1.6 EpRAm 1990.71 EpDEm 1990.78
Num 4 Q RAmdeg 2.6 Q DEmdeg 1.2 Q pmRA 2.7
Q pmDE 1.2 BTmag 10.058 E BTmag 0.024 VTmag 9.849
E VTmag 0.024 Prox 80 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 339.78549389 DEdeg 49.42657944 EpRA 1990 1.65
EpDE 1990 1.68 E RAdeg 13.6 E DEdeg 13.7 Posflg
Corr 0.1
22391+4925 B
Coord arcsec 2000 223907.98+492535.0 Mag 11.03 PmRA 4.00 PmDE -3.0
Tycho2 3628-00873-2 Calc delta mag 1.18 Calc coord yes
Tycho2 3628-00873-2 Pflag RAmdeg 339.78212160 DEmdeg 49.42641388
PmRA 15.2 PmDE -3.4 E RAmdeg 35 E DEmdeg 36
E pmRA 2.2 E pmDE 2.1 EpRAm 1988.79 EpDEm 1988.30
Num 3 Q RAmdeg 1.8 Q DEmdeg 0.4 Q pmRA 1.8
Q pmDE 0.5 BTmag 11.311 E BTmag 0.055 VTmag 11.027
E VTmag 0.063 Prox 80 TYC T HIP
CCDM RAdeg 339.78206694 DEdeg 49.42642194 EpRA 1990 1.65
EpDE 1990 1.65 E RAdeg 36.1 E DEdeg 36.5 Posflg
Corr 0.1
22391+4925 C
Coord arcsec 2000 223907.96+492602.2 Mag 13.16 PmRA -5.00 PmDE -2.0
Calc delta mag 3.31 Calc coord yes