22290+1200 BRT 1360 AB

22h 29m 00.50s +12° 00' 05.2" P.A. 193.00 sep 7.4 mag 10.90,12.40
Coord 2000 22290+1200 Discov num BRT1360 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 22 29 00.50 +12 00 05.2
Date first 1910 Date last 2016 Obs 11
Pa first 188 Pa last 192.5 P.A. Now (θ) 192.5°
Sep first 3.7 Sep last 7.43 Sep. Now (ρ) 7.43"
Mag pri 10.90 Mag sec 12.40 delta mag (ΔM) 1.5 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -003 Sec motion ra -019
Pri motion dec -002 Sec motion dec -044
Notes S (Parallax indidates non-physical)
This double is not physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 22 29 00 +12 00 05 BRT 1360 AB 2016 11 193 7.4 10.90 12.40 1.50 <===
Show 22 29 00 +11 59 58 WSI 153 Ba,Bb 2016 2 215 2.1 12.40 13.90 1.50
Triple system
2 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Pegasus Gaia DR2 2730496836775278592
WDS 22290+1200 BRT 1360 AB : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Brt1926a Pa - Barton, S.G. 1926AJ.....36..155B
Brt1926a AJ 36, 155, 1926 (BRT 1 - BRT 62)
Brt1926b Pa j Barton, S.G. 1926AJ.....37...57B
Brt1926b AJ 37, 57, 1926 (BRT 63 - BRT 116)
Brt1928 Pa - Barton, S.G. 1928AJ.....38..168B
Brt1928 AJ 38, 168, 1928 (BRT 117 - BRT 230)
Brt1929a Pa - Barton, S.G. 1929AN....235..425B
Brt1929a AN 235, 425, 1929 (BRT 294 - BRT 322)
Brt1929b Pa - Barton, S.G. 1929AJ.....39...93B
Brt1929b AJ 39, 93, 1929 (BRT 231 - BRT 293)
Brt1929c Ma j Barton, S.G. 1929AJ.....39..120B
Brt1929c AJ 39, 120, 1929
Brt1930 Pa - Barton, S.G. 1930AJ.....40..181B
Brt1930 AJ 40, 181, 1930 (BRT 323 - BRT 348)
Brt1931 Pa - Barton, S.G. (BRT 349 - BRT 562) 1931AJ.....41...35B
Brt1931 AJ 41, 35, 1931 (no measures for BRT 529 - BRT 562)
Brt1932a Pa - Barton, S.G. 1932AJ.....42...93B
Brt1932a AJ 42, 93, 1932 (BRT 604 - BRT 636)
Brt1932b Ma - Barton, S.G. 1932PFAO....5a...1B
Brt1932b +Pa Pub. Univ. Penn. 5, Pt.1, Sec.2, 1932 (BRT 563 - BRT 603, BRT1928, etc.)
Brt1932C Ma - Barton, S.G. 1932QB821.A43......
Brt1932C cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
Brt1933 Pa - Barton, S.G. 1933AN....250...49B
Brt1933 AN 250, 49, 1933
Brt1933 (BRT 637 - BRT1134; very approximate dates added for pairs listed with only
Brt1933 secondary magnitudes and no astrometry)
Brt1934 Pa - Barton, S.G. 1934AJ.....43..119B
Brt1934 +Ma AJ 43, 119, 1934
Brt1935a Pa - Barton, S.G. 1935AJ.....44..105B
Brt1935a +Ma AJ 44, 105, 1935
Brt1935b Pa - Barton, S.G. 1935AN....256..357B
Brt1935b AN 256, 357, 1935
Brt1936a Ma - Barton, S.G. 1936AJ.....45...33B
Brt1936a +Pa AJ 45, 33, 1936
Brt1936b Pa - Barton, S.G. 1936AJ.....45...99B
Brt1936b +Ma AJ 45, 99, 1936
Brt1937a Pa - Barton, S.G. 1937AN....263..347B
Brt1937a AN 263, 347, 1937
Brt1937b Pa - Barton, S.G. 1937AN....263..383B
Brt1937b AN 263, 383, 1937
Brt1938 Ma - Barton, S.G. 1938AJ.....47..133B
Brt1938 +Pa AJ 47, 133, 1938
Brt1939a Ma - Barton, S.G. 1939PFAO....5b...1B
Brt1939a +Pa Pub. Univ. Penn. 5, Pt.2, Sec.2, 1939
Brt1939b Pa - Barton, S.G. 1939AJ.....48..145B
Brt1939b +Ma AJ 48, 145, 1939
Brt1941 Pa - Barton, S.G. 1941PASP...55..339B
Brt1941 PASP 55, 339, 1941
Brt1942 Pa - Barton, S.G. 1942AJ.....50...11B
Brt1942 AJ 50, 11, 1942
Brt1947 Ma - Barton, S.G. 1947AJ.....52..178B
Brt1947 +Pa AJ 52, 178, 1947
Brt1949 Ma - Barton, S.G. 1949PFAO....7a...1B
Brt1949 Pub. Univ. Penn. 7, Pt.1, Sec.1, 1949
Brt1951 Pa - Barton, S.G. 1951AJ.....55..218B
Brt1951 AJ 55, 218, 1951
Brt1957 Ma - Barton, S.G. 1957QB4.P5v7ps3....
Brt1957 Pub. Univ. Penn. 7, Pt.3, 15, 1957
Brt9999 Ma - Barton, S.G. ...................
Brt9999 +Pa Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
Brt2002A Ma - Barton, S.G. 2002yCat.1275....0D
Brt2002A +Pa cited in CCDM
WSI (Washington Speckle Interferometer)
WSI1997 Su j Douglass, G.G., Hindsley, R.B., & Worley, C.E. 1997ApJS..111..289D
WSI1997 +Ma ApJS 111, 289, 1997
WSI1999a Su j Germain, M.E., Douglass, G.G., & Worley, C.E. 1999AJ....117.1905G
WSI1999a AJ 117, 1905, 1999
WSI1999b Su j Germain, M.E., Douglass, G.G., & Worley, C.E. 1999AJ....117.2511G
WSI1999b AJ 117, 2511, 1999
WSI1999c Su j Douglass, G.G., Mason, B.D., Germain, M.E., & Worley, C.E. 1999AJ....118.1395D
WSI1999c AJ 118, 1395, 1999
WSI2000a Su j Douglass, G.G., Mason, B.D., Rafferty, T.J., Holdenried, E.R., & Germain, M.E. 2000AJ....119.3071M
WSI2000a AJ 119, 3071, 2000
WSI2000b Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Holdenried, E.R., Rafferty, T.J., Wycoff, G.L., 2000AJ....120.1120M
WSI2000b Hennessy, G.S., Hall, D.M., Urban, S.E., et al.
WSI2000b AJ 120, 1120, 2000
WSI2001a Su j Germain, M.E. & Douglass, G.G. 2001AJ....121.2239M
WSI2001a AJ 121, 2239, 2001
WSI2001b Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., Holdenried, E.R., Platais, I., 2001AJ....122.1586M
WSI2001b Rafferty, T.J., Hall, D.M., Hennessy, G.S., et al.
WSI2001b AJ 122, 1586, 2001
WSI2002 Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Urban, S.E., Wycoff, G.L., Pascu, D., Hall, D.M., 2002AJ....124.2254M
WSI2002 Hennessy, G.S., Platais, I., et al.
WSI2002 AJ 124, 2254, 2002
WSI2004a Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., Pascu, D., Urban, S.E., Hall, D.M., 2004AJ....127..539M
WSI2004a +orb Hennessy, G.S., Rafferty, T.J., et al.
WSI2004a AJ 127, 539, 2004
WSI2004b Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., Rafferty, T.J., Urban, S., & Flagg, L. 2004AJ....128.3012M
WSI2004b +orb AJ 128, 3012, 2004
WSI2006a Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., & Rafferty, T.J. 2006AJ....131.2687M
WSI2006a AJ 131, 2687, 2006
WSI2006b Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., & Holdenried, E.R. 2006AJ....132.2219M
WSI2006b +orb AJ 132, 2219, 2006
WSI2007a Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Wycoff, G.L., & Wieder, G. 2007AJ....134.1671M
WSI2007a +Cu AJ 134, 1671, 2007
WSI2008 Cu j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., & Wycoff, G.L. 2008AJ....136.2223M
WSI2008 AJ 136, 2223, 2008
WSI2010 Cu j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., & Wycoff, G.L. 2010AJ....140..480M
WSI2010 AJ 140, 480, 2010
WSI2011 Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., & Wycoff, G.L. 2011AJ....141..157M
WSI2011 AJ 141, 157, 2011
WSI2011b Cu j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., & Wycoff, G.L. 2011AJ....142...46M
WSI2011b AJ 142, 46, 2011
WSI2012 Cu j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., & Friedman, E.A. 2012AJ....143..124M
WSI2012 +lin AJ 143, 124, 2012
WSI2013 Cu j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., & Hurowitz, H.M. 2013AJ....146...56M
WSI2013 +orb AJ 146, 56, 2013
WSI2013 +lin
WSI2013b Cu j Hartkopf, W.I., Mason, B.D., Finch, C.T., Zacharias, N., Wycoff, G.L., & Hsu, D. 2013AJ....146...76H
WSI2013b +Su AJ 146, 76, 2013 (speckle measures in UCAC doubles paper UC_2013b)
WSI2015 Cu j Hartkopf, W.I. & Mason, B.D. 2015AJ....150..130H
WSI2015 +orb AJ 150, 136, 2015
WSI2015 +lin
WSI2017a Cu j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Bredthauer, G., Ferguson, E.W., Finch, C.T., Kilian, 2017AJ....153...20M
WSI2017a C.M., Rafferty, T.J., Ragan, T.J. & Wieder, G.D.
WSI2017a AJ 153, 20, 2017
WSI2017b Su j Mason, B.D. & Hartkopf, W.I. 2017AJ....154..183M
WSI2017b +Cu AJ 154, 183, 2017
WSI2017b +E+
WSI2017b +H+
WSI2017b +Pa
WSI2017b +Zc
WSI2018a Su j Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., Urban, S.E. & Josties, J.D. 2018AJ....156..240M
WSI2018a +Cu AJ 156, 240, 2018
WSI2018a +E
WSI2021 Su j Mason, B.D., Williams, S.J., Matson, R.A., Josties, J.D., Eakens, P.D., Justice, 2021AJ....162...53M
WSI2021 +Cu M., Kilian, C.M. & Warner, R.
WSI2021 AJ 162, 53, 2021
WSI2025 Su j Mason, B.D., et al. ...................
WSI2025 in preparation
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22290+1200 BRT1360 AB 2011 8 195 8.1 10.80 12.20 222900.50+120005.2
22290+1200 BRT1360 AB 2013 9 193 7.2 10.80 12.20 222900.50+120005.2
22290+1200 BRT1360 AB 2015 10 192 7.4 10.80 12.20 222900.50+120005.2
22290+1200 BRT1360 AB 2016 11 193 7.4 10.90 12.40 S 222900.50+120005.2

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No records found.

WDS 22290+1200 BRT 1360 AB : MEASURES
No records found.


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