21446+2539 STF 2824 AB,C (Kap Peg)

21h 44m 38.70s +25° 38' 42.0" P.A. 288.00 sep 14.5 mag 4.13,10.80 Sp F5V+G9III dist. 34.22 pc (111.63 l.y.)
Coord 2000 21446+2539 Discov num STF2824 Comp AB,C Coord arcsec 2000 21 44 38.70 +25 38 42.0
Date first 1828 Date last 2004 Obs 91
Pa first 307 Pa last 287.9 P.A. Now (θ) 287.9°
Sep first 9.5 Sep last 14.49 Sep. Now (ρ) 14.49"
Mag pri 4.13 Mag sec 10.80 delta mag (ΔM) 6.67 Spectral class F5V+G9III (yellow-white/yellow)
Pri motion ra +048 Sec motion ra +005
Pri motion dec +014 Sec motion dec -001
Notes N S (See Notes, Parallax indidates non-physical)
This double is not physical.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 89949 21 44 39 +25 38 42 BU 989 AB 2019 447 134 0.2 4.94 5.04 0.10 Y
Show Kap Peg 89949 21 44 39 +25 38 42 STF 2824 AB,C 2004 91 288 14.5 4.13 10.80 6.67 <===
Triple system
4 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Name Kap Peg Constellation Pegasus SAO 89949 HIP 107354
Tycho2 2193-02017-1 HD 206901 HR 8315 GC 30450
ADS 15281 BD BD+24 4463 Bayer Kappa Pegasi Bayer name Kap Peg
Flamsteed 10 Pegasi Flamsteed name 10 Peg Distance 34.22 Distance ly 111.63
Bayer greek κ Peg
WDS 21446+2539 STF 2824 AB,C (Kap Peg) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BU 989 AB: kap Peg = 10 Peg.
kap Peg Double lines have been observed in the spectrum of A. Tok2006
The SB1 with P = 5.97 d (#1329 in Batten et al., 1989) is believed to Bte1989
to be the visual component B, and a set of double lines is observed
which is ascribed to star A (Beardsley & King 1976). Bey1976
See Baize & Petit (1989) catalog of doubles with variable component. Baz1989d
Combined solution by Muterspaugh et al. (2006), using PHASES Mut2006
differential astrometry, iodine cell radial velocities, and published
visual and speckle data. Mass of A is 1.549 +/- 0.050 Msun. Center of
light motion of Ba,Bb pair is seen, allowing determination of masses
for both components: 1.662 +/- 0.064 and 0.814 +/- 0.046 Msun.
Semimajor axis and error in catalog derived from their values of a
(AU) and parallax, plus errors in those quantities. No sign of
purported spectroscopic companion to A component. Original tabulated
data are listed below, including date (MJD), dRA and dDEC (mas),
errors in dRA and dDEC (microarcsec):
52591.15558 139.4192 -68.9527 337.2 144.9
52809.42172 176.3305 -52.8124 313.0 223.8
52834.42590 178.7642 -49.5003 142.0 142.0
52836.47700 178.2380 -48.6352 377.6 146.9
52862.26351 179.1262 -46.6494 142.0 142.0
52864.43495 180.0359 -45.8604 142.0 142.0
52865.25769 180.3088 -45.0103 142.0 142.0
52868.42699 179.3844 -45.8741 142.0 142.0
52891.30945 180.2407 -42.5429 142.0 142.0
52893.35153 180.8695 -42.7435 312.8 142.0
52894.33761 181.2314 -42.0489 142.0 142.0
52895.31028 181.5086 -41.4518 142.0 142.0
52896.29061 180.7701 -41.3602 142.0 142.0
52897.28730 180.3950 -41.7411 142.0 142.0
52915.28300 180.4724 -39.4518 142.0 142.0
52916.29333 179.8880 -39.7969 329.0 142.3
52918.11818 181.2814 -38.7883 482.5 330.8
52919.28864 181.3653 -38.3103 142.0 142.0
52920.12057 180.8864 -38.2854 661.1 422.9
52929.26987 181.2990 -38.0007 197.9 142.4
52930.25991 181.2730 -37.3111 287.3 142.6
52950.22128 179.7824 -34.3888 839.4 174.7
52952.20159 180.7612 -35.0063 510.9 145.2
52983.12402 179.3421 -30.6844 354.1 144.9
53130.50643 168.6227 -9.8442 467.3 362.7
53145.46573 168.9574 -7.4882 1766.2 1329.6
53152.47072 166.1418 -4.9533 142.0 142.0
53168.42321 164.7537 -3.8669 533.3 376.6
53172.46749 162.4907 -2.9062 142.0 142.0
53173.44399 162.7425 -3.3484 142.0 142.0
53181.41157 162.9387 -0.9785 142.0 142.0
53182.40964 162.5248 -0.6694 142.0 142.0
53186.41943 161.7325 -0.6729 142.0 142.0
53187.40125 162.1831 -0.1186 142.0 142.0
53197.36300 159.6357 0.5078 142.0 142.0
53198.39162 160.0532 1.0905 142.0 142.0
53199.40299 160.6171 1.6181 172.7 147.8
53200.41220 159.4821 1.7555 389.4 251.1
53207.41109 157.6318 2.4027 142.0 142.0
53208.36518 157.5593 2.1577 233.8 165.6
53215.32511 156.9988 3.2377 142.0 142.0
53221.38836 156.3834 3.9629 142.0 142.0
53228.29947 155.6012 5.6284 142.0 142.0
53229.29186 156.0978 6.1869 142.0 142.0
53233.24062 154.8590 5.5446 664.9 474.4
53234.26794 154.9441 6.3985 142.0 142.0
53235.27795 155.2394 7.0247 142.0 142.0
53236.24000 154.6541 7.2600 142.0 142.0
53249.22289 151.8710 8.8380 142.0 142.0
53270.22848 148.9036 11.8975 243.7 158.7
53285.23449 145.3500 13.9405 142.0 142.0
53313.10718 142.2377 18.5964 142.0 142.0
AB: Martin et al. (1998) derive component masses 1.561 +/- 0.197 and
2.602 +/- 0.284 Msun. Mig1998
Muterspaugh et al. (2008) combine PHASES astrometry with speckle and Mut2008
radial velocity data to derive orbits for both the AB and Ba,Bb pairs
of this triple. The parallax is determined at 28.93 +/- 0.18 mas
(distance 34.57 +/- 0.21 pc). Masses of the A, Ba, and Bb components
are 1.533 +/- 0.050, 1.646 +/- 0.074, and 0.825 +/- 0.059 Msun.
STF2824 AB,C (separation 14") has estimated 6200y period. Tok2006
AB,C: H N 43. MEv2010
AB,C: Additional notes may be found in Burnham (1894). Bu_1894
refcode metd author reference
Baz1989d - Baize, P. & Petit, M. 1989A&AS...77..497B
Baz1989d A&AS 77, 497, 1989
Bey1976 - Beardsley, W.R. & King, M.W. 1976PASP...88..200B
Bey1976 PASP 88, 200, 1976
Bte1989 - Batten, A.H. & Fletcher, J.M. 1989PDAO...17....1B
Bte1989 Eighth Catalogue of the Orbital Elements of Spectroscopic Binary Systems; 89
Bte1989 Pub. DAO 17, 1, 19
Bu_1894 Ma j Burnham, S.W. 1894PLicO...2....3B
Bu_1894 Pub. Lick Obs. 2, 3, 1894 (includes most data from Bu_1893a) 1893AN....131..329B
MEv2010 - MacEvoy, B. ...................
MEv2010 private communication, 2010 (see http://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/index.html)
Mig1998 orb - Martin, Ch., Mignard, F., Hartkopf, W.I., & McAlister, H.A. 1998A&AS..133..149M
Mig1998 A&AS 133, 149, 1998
Mut2006 A j Muterspaugh, M.W., Lane, B.F., Konacki, M., Wiktorowicz, S., Burke, B.F., 2006ApJ...636.1020M
Mut2006 +Kp Colavita, M.M., Kulkarni, S.R., & Shao, M.
Mut2006 ApJ 636, 1020, 2006 (all observations supplanted by Mut2010a) 2010AJ....140.1579M
Mut2008 Kp j Muterspaugh, M.W., Lane, B.F., Fekel, F.C., Konacki, M., Burke, B.F., 2008AJ....135..766M
Mut2008 +orb Kulkarni, S.R., Colavita, M.M., Shao, M., & Wiktorowicz, S.J.
Mut2008 AJ 135, 766, 2008 (all observations supplanted by Mut2010a) 2010AJ....140.1579M
Tok2006 A j Tokovinin, A., Thomas, S., Sterzik, M., & Udry, S. 2006A&A...450..681T
Tok2006 +E2 A&A 450, 681, 2006
idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
179 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21446+2539 STF2824 AB,C 2004 91 288 14.5 4.13 10.80 F5IV N D 214438.70+253842.0

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