05214-0653 MAD 2 AB

05h 21m 21.80s -06° 52' 29.4" P.A. 161.00 sep 2.9 mag 10.28,10.46
Coord 2000 05214-0653 Discov num MAD   2 Comp AB Coord arcsec 2000 05 21 21.80 -06 52 29.4
Date first 1843 Date last 2016 Obs 13
Pa first 159 Pa last 161.2 P.A. Now (θ) 161.2°
Sep first 3.2 Sep last 2.893 Sep. Now (ρ) 2.893"
Mag pri 10.28 Mag sec 10.46 delta mag (ΔM) 0.18 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -005 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec +017 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show 05 21 22 -06 52 29 MAD 2 AB 2016 13 161 2.9 10.28 10.46 0.18 <===
Show 05 21 22 -06 52 29 MAD 2 AC 2017 7 136 34.2 10.28 12.16 1.88
Triple system
3 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Orion Tycho2 4764-00363-2 Gaia DR2 3207560539628751744
WDS 05214-0653 MAD 2 AB : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Mad1835 Ma - Beer & Maedler 1835AN.....12..265B
Mad1835 +orb AN 12, 265, 1835
Mad1836 orb - Maedler, J.H. 1836AN.....13....9M
Mad1836 AN 13, 9, #289, 1836
Mad1836b Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1836AN.....13..247M
Mad1836b AN 13, 247, 1836
Mad1836c Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1836AN.....13..259M
Mad1836c AN 13, 259, 1836
Mad1836d orb - Maedler, J.H. 1836AN.....14...75M
Mad1836d AN 14, 75, 1836
Mad1837 orb - Maedler, J.H. 1837AN.....14..109M
Mad1837 AN 14, 109, #319, 1837
Mad1837b Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1837AN.....14..183M
Mad1837b AN 14, 183, 1837
Mad1838 orb - Maedler, J.H. 1838AN.....15..151M
Mad1838 AN 15, 151, 1838
Mad1839 orb - Maedler, J.H. 1839AN.....16...33M
Mad1839 AN 16, 33, #363, 1839
Mad1840 - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1840 Beob. K. Sternw. Berlin, 1, 142, 1840
Mad1842a Ma - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1842a +orb Dorpat Observations 9, 37, 1842
Mad1842b orb - Maedler, J.H. 1842AN.....19..201M
Mad1842b +Ma AN 19, 201, 1842
Mad1843 Ma - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1843 Dorpat Observations 10, 29, 1843
Mad1843b Ma j Maedler, J.H. 1843AN.....21..147M
Mad1843b AN 21, 147, 1843
Mad1844 Ma - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1844 Dorpat Observations 11, 3, 1844
Mad1844b Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1844AN.....22...27M
Mad1844b AN 22, 27, 1844
Mad1845 Ma - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1845 Dorpat Observations 11, 95, 1845
Mad1848 orb - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1848 Unt. uber die Fixstern-Systeme, 1848
Mad1852A Ma - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1852A cited by Bishop (Bishop Obs. Astron. Observations 1852)
Mad1856 Ma - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1856 +orb Dorpat Observations 13, 1, 1856
Mad1859 Ma - Maedler, J.H. .
Mad1859 Dorpat Observations 15, 1, 1859
Mad1875A Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1875AN.....85..323D
Mad1875A cited by Doberck, 1875 (see Dob1875b,f,g,h)
Mad1878A Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1878Obs.....2..183G
Mad1878A cited by Gledhill (Obs 2, 183, 1878)
Mad1879A orb - Maedler, J.H. 1879QB821.C95......
Mad1879A cited by Crossley et al (Handbook of Double Stars, 1879), 304
Mad1880A Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1880Obs.....3..382G
Mad1880A cited by Gledhill (Obs 3, 382, 1880)
Mad1880B Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1880Obs.....3..352G
Mad1880B cited by Gledhill (Obs 3, 352, 1880)
Mad1884A Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1884AReg...22..216S
Mad1884A cited by Sadler (Astr. Register 22, 216, 1884)
Mad1896A orb - Maedler, J.H. 1896QB421.S5.......
Mad1896A cited by See (Evolution of Stellar Systems, v1, 1896)
Mad1906A Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
Mad1906A cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
Mad1906B Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1906QB821.B972.....
Mad1906B cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat., 1906)
Mad1914A Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1914AN....198..107R
Mad1914A cited by Rabe (AN 198, 107, 1914)
Mad1937A Ma - Maedler, J.H. 1937AnLei..18....1S
Mad1937A cited by Strand (Ann. Sterrew. Leiden 18, 1937)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
05214-0653 MAD 2 AB 2002 10 160 2.9 10.28 10.46 D 052121.80-065229.4
05214-0653 MAD 2 AB 2016 12 162 2.9 10.28 10.46 052121.80-065229.4

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No records found.

WDS 05214-0653 MAD 2 AB : MEASURES
No records found.


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