19585+3553 ROE 146 (HD 226879)

19h 58m 27.01s +35° 52' 58.5" P.A. 45.00 sep 1.5 mag 9.85,11.46 Sp A2
Coord 2000 19585+3553 Discov num ROE 146 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 19 58 27.01 +35 52 58.5
Date first 1919 Date last 2013 Obs 6
Pa first 44 Pa last 44.7 P.A. Now (θ) 44.7°
Sep first 1.5 Sep last 1.49 Sep. Now (ρ) 1.49"
Mag pri 9.85 Mag sec 11.46 delta mag (ΔM) 1.61 Spectral class A2 (white)
Pri motion ra -001 Sec motion ra -001
Pri motion dec +001 Sec motion dec +001
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Name HD 226879 Constellation Cygnus Tycho2 2682-01249-1 Gaia DR2 2059696994711114752
HD 226879
WDS 19585+3553 ROE 146 (HD 226879) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ROE 146 Also known as COU2209.
refcode metd author reference
Roe1908 Ma - Roe, E.D. 1908AN....178..169R
Roe1908 AN 178, 169, 1908
Roe1909 Ma - Roe, E.D. 1909AN....181..285R
Roe1909 AN 181, 285, 1909
Roe1910a Ma - Roe, E.D. 1910AJ.....26...93R
Roe1910a AJ 26, 93, 1910
Roe1910b Ma j Roe, E.D. ...................
Roe1910b Journal Astronomique 1, no. 4, 25, 1910
Roe1910c Ma - Roe, E.D. 1910AN....183..197R
Roe1910c AN 183, 197, 1910
Roe1910d Ma j Roe, E.D. 1910PA.....18..354R
Roe1910d Popular Astronomy 18, 354, 1910
Roe1910e Ma j Roe, E.D. 1910PA.....18..554R
Roe1910e Popular Astronomy 18, 554, 1910
Roe1911a Ma - Roe, E.D. 1911AN....187...39R
Roe1911a AN 187, 39, 1911
Roe1911b Ma - Roe, E.D. 1911AN....188..373R
Roe1911b AN 188, 373, 1911
Roe1911c Ma - Roe, E.D. 1911AN....190..137R
Roe1911c AN 190, 137, 1911
Roe1911d Ma j Roe, E.D. 1911PA.....19..383R
Roe1911d Popular Astronomy 19, 383, 1911
Roe1914 Ma j Roe, E.D. 1914AN....199..169R
Roe1914 AN 199, 169, 1914
Roe1915 Ma - Roe, E.D. 1915AN....202..99R
Roe1915 AN 202, 99, 1915
Roe1917 Ma j Roe, E.D. 1917AN....204...21R
Roe1917 AN 204, 21, 1917
Roe1918 Ma - Roe, E.D. 1918AJ.....31..149R
Roe1918 AJ 31, 149, 1918
Roe1919a Ma j Roe, E.D. 1919AJ.....32....6R
Roe1919a AJ 32, 6, 1919
Roe1919b Ma j Roe, E.D. 1919AJ.....32...25R
Roe1919b AJ 32, 25, 1919
Roe1932A - Roe, E.D. 1932QB821.A43......
Roe1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19585+3553 ROE 146 1991 5 44 1.5 9.85 11.46 A2 N 195827.01+355258.5
19585+3553 ROE 146 2013 6 45 1.5 9.85 11.46 A2 N 195827.01+355258.5

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WDS 19585+3553 ROE 146 (HD 226879) : MEASURES
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WDS 19585+3553 (HD 226879) : VIRTUAL EYEPIECE

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WDS 19585+3553 (HD 226879) : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @
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Not valid ID.
Error -22130
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