WDS 22234+3228 WOR 11 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
WOR 11 Also known as GJ 856, this is a well studied binary with several
astrometric data points over a long baseline. In Table 4, we present
the AstraLux data as well as one example data point from literature,
and otherwise refer to Seymour et al. (2002) for more information on USN2002
the astrometric data and a preliminary orbit fit. Lopez-Santiago et al
(2006 ApJ 643, 1160) classify the system as a member of subgroup B4,
with an estimated age of ~100 Myr. Jnn2012
refcode metd author reference
Cve2011b orb - Cvetkovic, Z. 2011IAUDS.174....1C
Cve2011b +lin Inf. Circ. 174, 1, 2011
Jnn2012 Cl j Janson, M., Hormuth, F., Bergfors, C., Brandner, W., Hippler, S., Daemgen, S., 2012ApJ...754...44J
Jnn2012 +E2 Kudryavtseva, N., Schmalzl, E., Schnupp, C., & Henning, T.
Jnn2012 ApJ 754, 44, 2012 (some recalibrated measures published in Jnn2014b) 2014ApJS..214...17J
USN2002 orb - Seymour, D., Mason, B.D., Hartkopf, W.I., & Wycoff, G.L. 2002AJ....123.1023S
USN2002 AJ 123, 1023, 2002
idgroup discov author
1 WOR Worley, C.E.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22234+3228 WOR 11 2002 22 220 1.7 11.59 12.01 M0 OD 222329.09+322733.5
22234+3228 WOR 11 2007 26 231 1.6 11.59 12.01 M0 OD 222329.09+322733.5
22234+3228 WOR 11 2010 27 237 1.4 11.59 12.01 M0 OD 222329.09+322733.5
22234+3228 WOR 11 2015 35 255 1.1 11.59 12.01 M0 NO 222329.09+322733.5
22234+3228 WOR 11 2016 43 254 1.2 11.59 12.01 M3.0V NO 222329.09+322733.5
22234+3228 WOR 11 2020 49 252 1.2 11.59 12.01 M3.0V NO 222329.09+322733.5

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.