WDS 22213+5109 VBS 36 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
VBS 36 Van Biesbroeck called this HJ 1757, BDS 11679, but it looks like VBs1914
another pair.
refcode metd author reference
VBs1914 Ma j Van Biesbroeck, G. 1914AnOB...13....1V
VBs1914 Ann. R. Obs. Belgium 13, 1914
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22213+5109 VBS 36 AB 1998 2 8 12.2 11.08 12.50 N D 222113.97+510922.9
22213+5109 VBS 36 AB 2008 3 8 12.2 11.08 12.50 N D 222113.97+510922.9
22213+5109 VBS 36 AB 2009 5 8 12.1 11.08 12.50 N 222113.97+510922.9
22213+5109 VBS 36 AB 2015 6 8 12.2 11.08 12.50 N 222113.97+510922.9

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