WDS 22034-5647 SOZ 1 AB (Eps Ind) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
VLK 1 Ba,Bb: eps Ind. Cardoso et al. (2009) derive a system mass of
0.116 +/- 0.001 Msun = 121 +/- 1 Mjup for this pair of T dwarfs. Mcg2009
VLTI uniform disk diameter of A: 1.834 +/- 0.016 mas, LTI2009
VLTI limb-darkened disk diameter of A: 1.881 +/- 0.017 mas,
R = 0.732 +/- 0.006 \rsun, Teff = 4568 +/- 59 K,
M = 0.762 +/- 0.038 \msun.
Mass for Ba & Bb : 75.0 +/- 0.82 and 70.1 +/- 0.68 \mjup. Die2018
Teff for Ba & Bb : 1320 and 910 K.
The orbital parallax is 276.88 +/- 0.81 mas.
refcode metd author reference
Die2018 A+ j Dieterich, S.B., Weinberger, A.J., Boss, A.P., Henry, T.J., Jao, W.-C., Gagne, J., 2018ApJ...865...28D
Die2018 +not Astraatmadja, T.L., Thompson, M.A. & Anglada-Escude, G.
Die2018 ApJ 865, 28, 2018
LTI2009 not j Demory, B.-O., Segransan, D., Forveille, T., Queloz, D., Beuzit, J.-L., Delfosse, 2009A&A...505..205D
LTI2009 X., Di Folco, E., Kervella, P., Le Bouquin, J.-B., Perrier, C., Benisty, M., .
LTI2009 Duvert, G., Hofmann, K.-H., Lopez, B. & Petrov, R. .
LTI2009 A&A 505, 205, 2009 .
Mcg2009 orb - Cardoso, C.V., McCaughrean, M.J., King, R.R., Close, L.M., Scholz, R.-D., 2009AIPC.1094..509C
Mcg2009 Lenzen, R., Brandner, W., Lodieu, N., & Zinnecker, H.
Mcg2009 AIP Conf. Proc., 1094, 509, 2009
idgroup discov author
1 SOZ Scholz, R.-D., McCaughrean, M.J., Lodieu, N., & Kuhlbrodt, B.
11 SOZ Niemczura, E., Scholz, R.-D., Hubrig, S., Jarvinen, S.P., Scholler,M., Ilyin, I. &
11 SOZ Kahraman Alicavus, F.
12 VLK Volk, K., Blum, R., Walker, G., & Puxley, P.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22034-5647 SOZ 1 AB 1999 2 89 402.3 4.83 16.59 PD 220321.65-564709.1
22034-5647 SOZ 1 AB 2010 2 88 403.1 4.83 16.59 K4V+T1 N P 220321.65-564709.1

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