WDS 21032+1305 SLE 513 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SLE 513 Error in Soulie (1986) measure due to typo in coordinates of primary . Sle1986a
SLE 513 Large change in separation over 21 years Los2005
refcode metd author reference
Los2005 C j Losse, F. 2005O&T....59...27L
Los2005 Obs. et Travaux 59, 27, 2005
Sle1986a Pa - Soulie, G. .
Sle1986a Bull. Inf. Cent. Donnes Stell. #30, 91, 1986
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
21032+1305 SLE 513 2003 3 132 5.2 10.40 10.80 F0 N D 210311.08+130501.3
21032+1305 SLE 513 2015 4 132 5.5 10.22 13.10 F0 N 210311.09+130501.3

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