WDS 20158+2749 MCA 60 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
CHR 94 23 Vul.
Aa,Ab: 1991.893: These two observations confirm the discovery
measurement of this close component, made in 1985, and indicate McA1987b
considerable motion during this interval. Hrt1994
Aa,Ab: Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and
spectroscopic masses 2.39 +/- 0.73, 6.47, and 2.40 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012
refcode metd author reference
Hrt1994 Sc j Hartkopf, W.I., McAlister,H.A., Mason, B.D., Barry, D.J., Turner, N., & Fu, H.-H. 1994AJ....108.2299H
Hrt1994 AJ 108, 2299, 1994
McA1987b Sc j McAlister, H.A., Hartkopf, W.I., Hutter, D.J., & Franz, O.G. 1987AJ.....93..688M
McA1987b AJ 93, 688, 1987
Mlk2012 not - Malkov, O.Yu., Tamazian, V.S., Docobo, J.A., & Chulkov, D.A. 2012A&A...546A..69M
Mlk2012 A&A 546, A69, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 CHR Center for High Ang. Res. Astronomy (speckle interferometry systems)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20158+2749 MCA 60 AB 1998 25 145 0.2 4.80 6.94 D 201546.16+274851.2
20158+2749 MCA 60 AB 2004 26 328 0.1 4.80 6.94 D 201546.16+274851.2

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