WDS 20022+3724 NYS 4 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Nys1963 Ma - Nys, O. 1963AnOB....9..105N
Nys1963 Ann. R. Obs. Belgium Ser.3, 9, 105, 1963
Nys1982 orb - Nys, O. 1982IAUDS..86....1N
Nys1982 Inf. Circ. 86, 1, 1982
Nys1983 orb - Nys, O. 1983BAORB...9..256N
Nys1983 Bull. R. Astron. Obs. Belgium 9, 256, 1983
Nys2002A Ma - Nys, O. 2002yCat.1275....0D
Nys2002A cited in CCDM
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
20022+3724 NYS 4 2000 2 130 23.7 10.84 12.11 D 200214.71+372337.7
20022+3724 NYS 4 2002 3 131 23.6 10.84 12.11 D 200214.71+372337.7
20022+3724 NYS 4 2010 4 131 23.6 10.84 12.11 200214.71+372337.7
20022+3724 NYS 4 2015 5 131 23.6 10.84 12.11 200214.71+372337.7

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