WDS 19508+0852 DAL 27 AD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STFB 10 alp Aql = 53 Aql = Altair. B is BD+08@4232.
AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components
using the method of apparent motion parameters. Kiy2008
AB: H 6 46. MEv2010
refcode metd author reference
Kiy2008 - Kiyaeva, O.V., Kiselev, A.A. & Izmailov, I.S. 2008SvAL...32..405K
Kiy2008 SvAL 34, 405, 2008
MEv2010 - MacEvoy, B. ...................
MEv2010 private communication, 2010 (see http://www.handprint.com/ASTRO/index.html)
idgroup discov author
1 DAL Daley, J.A.
51 GMC Micello, G.
86 SMR Schlimmer, J.
141 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19508+0852 DAL 27 AD 2007 3 97 31.7 0.95 11.90 A7V N 195046.99+085205.9
19508+0852 DAL 27 AD 2008 5 98 31.2 0.95 11.90 A7V N 195046.99+085205.9
19508+0852 DAL 27 AD 2009 6 99 30.6 0.95 11.90 A7V NU 195046.99+085205.9
19508+0852 DAL 27 AD 2011 7 100 29.6 0.95 11.90 A7V NU 195046.99+085205.9
19508+0852 DAL 27 AD 2013 9 100 29.4 0.95 11.90 A7V NU 195046.99+085205.9
19508+0852 DAL 27 AD 2015 11 105 26.8 0.95 11.90 A7V NU 195046.99+085205.9

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