WDS 19458+2710 LMP 43 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
KUI 95 Indeterminate (long) period but useable a^3/P^2.
Missing in HIP because of poor Input Catalogue position. Sod1999
refcode metd author reference
Sod1999 orb - Soderhjelm, S. 1999A&A...341..121S
Sod1999 A&A 341, 121, 1999
idgroup discov author
1 KUI Kuiper, G.P., Schilt, van den Bos, W., and van Gent
63 LMP Lampens, P. & Strigachev, A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19458+2710 LMP 43 AC 2000 2 37 14.8 12.70 15.80 M4 D 194545.24+270738.5
19458+2710 LMP 43 AC 2002 3 35 15.8 13.60 15.50 M4.5V N P 194545.49+270728.7

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