WDS 19360+2924 BKO 72 AD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
FYM 43 AE and AF were initially thought to be new pairs AM and AK. Also, his FyM2014b
HJ pair is actually AJ.
refcode metd author reference
FyM2014b C - Fay, M. .
FyM2014b private communication
idgroup discov author
1 BKO Ladanyi, T. & Berko, E.
32 SLE Soulie, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19360+2924 BKO 72 AD 2002 2 306 46.9 9.47 13.50 G5 D 193601.37+292417.1
19360+2924 BKO 72 AD 2012 4 307 47.0 9.47 13.50 G5 D 193601.37+292417.1
19360+2924 BKO 72 AD 2015 5 307 46.8 9.47 13.50 G5 N 193601.37+292417.1

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