WDS 19308+6337 HU 951 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HU 951 A premature orbit has been computed. Needs speckle.
refcode metd author reference
Hrt2014b orb - Hartkopf, W.I. & Mason, B.D. 2014IAUDS.184....1H
Hrt2014b Inf. Circ. 184, 1, 2014
idgroup discov author
1 HU Hussey, W.F.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19308+6337 HU 951 1995 20 358 0.2 10.05 10.36 F NO 193047.57+633704.3
19308+6337 HU 951 2007 21 197 0.2 10.05 10.36 F NO 193047.57+633704.3
19308+6337 HU 951 2008 22 197 0.2 10.05 10.36 F NO 193047.57+633704.3

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