WDS 17584+0428 KUI 84 AB : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
KUI 84 In the same field with Barnard's Star.
P, T, and e have been taken by Gatewood (1973) from the astrometric Gat1973
solution. In the same field with Barnard's Star. Two astrometric
mass-ratio determinations showed B to be twice as massive as A. This
has been confirmed by Tokovinin, who finds B to be a SB, P = 34.5d. Tok1994b
A measurement published by McAlister et al. (1987) dating from McA1987b
1985.4872 was misidentified as being of KUI 84; the measurement was
actually of KUI 89 (WDS 18594-1250). In addition, an observation of
KUI 84 dating from 1988.6655 (theta = 270.6 deg, rho = 0".134) was
published by McAlister et al. (1990). The data have been reprocessed, McA1990
and we now believe the 1988.6655 measurement was spurious. Hrt1994
Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic
masses of 1.57 +/- 0.61, 1.41, and 0.58 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012
refcode metd author reference
Doc2021c orb - Docobo, J.A. & Ling, J.F. 2021IAUDS.204....1S
Doc2021c Inf. Circ. 204, 1, 2021
Gat1973 orb - Gatewood, G.D. 1973AJ.....78..777G
Gat1973 AJ 78, 777, 1973
Hrt1994 Sc j Hartkopf, W.I., McAlister,H.A., Mason, B.D., Barry, D.J., Turner, N., & Fu, H.-H. 1994AJ....108.2299H
Hrt1994 AJ 108, 2299, 1994
McA1987b Sc j McAlister, H.A., Hartkopf, W.I., Hutter, D.J., & Franz, O.G. 1987AJ.....93..688M
McA1987b AJ 93, 688, 1987
McA1990 Sc j McAlister, H.A., Hartkopf, & Franz, O.G. 1990AJ.....99..965M
McA1990 AJ 99, 965, 1990
Mlk2012 not - Malkov, O.Yu., Tamazian, V.S., Docobo, J.A., & Chulkov, D.A. 2012A&A...546A..69M
Mlk2012 A&A 546, A69, 2012
Tok1994b not - Tokovinin, A.A. 1994PAZh...20..368T
Tok1994b Pisma Astron. Zhur. 20, 368, 1994
idgroup discov author
1 KUI Kuiper, G.P., Schilt, van den Bos, W., and van Gent
63 SKF Skiff, B.A.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17584+0428 KUI 84 AB 2009 24 358 0.3 10.36 11.09 K8 NO 175824.46+042741.8
17584+0428 KUI 84 AB 2015 25 145 0.1 10.36 11.09 K8 NO 175824.46+042741.8
17584+0428 KUI 84 AB 2017 26 265 0.1 10.36 11.09 K8 NO 175824.46+042741.8
17584+0428 KUI 84 AB 2018 27 311 0.1 10.36 11.09 K8 NO 175824.46+042741.8
17584+0428 KUI 84 AB 2019 28 332 0.2 10.36 11.09 K8 NO 175824.46+042741.8
17584+0428 KUI 84 AB 2021 29 346 0.2 10.36 11.09 K8 NO 175824.46+042741.8

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