WDS 17569+1811 J 1352 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
J 1352 Jonckheere notes ADS positions are 1970 and 1920. In his 1952 paper
he uses 1950 ADS position and has a note "two couples?". There is
indeed a measure that indeed looks different:
1951.62, 39.9@, 3.33", 11.3-11.3. J__1952
Observations incompatible. Is there confusion between different pairs,
as thought by Jonckheere (JO 35, p 53)? Cou1952b
refcode metd author reference
Cou1952b Ma - Couteau, P. 1952JO.....35..181C
Cou1952b J. Obs. 35, 181, 1952
J__1952 M+ j Jonckheere, R. 1952JO.....35...37J
J__1952 +Pa J. Obs. 35, 37, 1952
idgroup discov author
1 J Jonckheere, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
17569+1811 J 1352 2002 8 21 3.9 10.00 11.00 N D 175651.89+181020.7
17569+1811 J 1352 2015 9 23 3.9 12.25 12.70 N 175651.89+181020.7
17569+1811 J 1352 2016 10 23 3.9 12.25 12.70 N 175651.89+181020.7

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