WDS 16278+2054 STH 3 AB (HD 148492) : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Gii1991 Ma j Gili, R. 1991AN....312...41G
Gii1991 AN 312, 41, 1991
Gii1994 M+ j Gili, R. (Couteau & Gili) 1994A&AS..106..377G
Gii1994 +C A&AS 106, 377, 1994
Gii1997 M+ j Gili, R. & Couteau, P. 1997A&AS..126....1G
Gii1997 +C A&AS 126, 1, 1997
Gii2001 C j Gili, R. & Bonneau, D. 2001A&A...378..954G
Gii2001 A&A 378, 954, 2001
Gii2008 C j Gili, R. 2008IAUDS.165....1G
Gii2008 Inf. Circ. 165, 1, 2008
Gii2009 S j Gili, R. 2009IAUDS.168....1G
Gii2009 +orb Inf. Circ. 168, 1, 2009
Gii2009b C j Gili, R. & Agati, J.-L. 2009O&T....73....9G
Gii2009b +S Obs. et Travaux 73, 9, 2009
Gii2009c C j Gili, R. & Agati, J.-L. 2009O&T....74...14G
Gii2009c +S Obs. et Travaux 74, 14, 2009
Gii2012 S j Gili, R. & Prieur, J.-L. 2012AN....333..727G
Gii2012 +Cl AN 333, 727, 2012
Gii2016 S j Gili, R. 2016IAUDS.190....4G
Gii2016 +Cl Inf. Circ. 190, 4, 2016
Gii2016b Cl Gili, R.
Gii2016b private comm. (email 27 Aug 2016)
Gii2020 S Gili, R., Prieur, J.-L., Rivet, J.-P., Scardia, M., Pansecchi, L., Argyle, R.W., 2020AN....341..441G
Gii2020 +Cl Ling, J.F., Piccotti, L., Aristidi, E., Koechlin, L., Bonneau, D. & Maccarini, L.
Gii2020 AN 341, 441, 2020
Gii2021 S Gili, R., Prieur, J.-L., Rivet, J.-P., Vakili, F., Scardia, M., Pansecchi, L., 2021AN....342..865G
Gii2021 Argyle, R.W., Ling, J.F., Piccotti, L., Aristidi, E., Koechlin, L., Bonneau, D.,
Gii2021 Maccarini, L. & Serot, J.
Gii2021 AN 342, 865, 2021
Gii2022 S Gili, R., Prieur, J.-L., Rivet, J.-P., Vakili, F., Scardia, M., Pansecchi, L., 2022AN....34324008G
Gii2022 Argyle, R.W., Ling, J.F., Piccotti, L., Aristidi, E., Koechlin, L., Bonneau, D.,
Gii2022 Maccarini, L. & Serot, J.
Gii2022 AN 343, 24008, 2022
Gii2022 errata for Gii2022 (source of code "P" measures in wds) 2023AN....34437001G
Gii2022 AN 344, 37001, 2023
StH1901 Ma - Struve, H. .
StH1901 Pulkova Pub. Ser.2, 12, 1901
StH1906A Ma j Struve, H. 1906QB821.B972.....
StH1906A cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat.), 1906
StH1906B Ma - Struve, H. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
StH1906B cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
StH1911a Ma - Struve, H. .
StH1911a Beob. Sternw. Koenigsberg 43, 31, 1911
StH1911b Ma - Struve, H. .
StH1911b Sitz. Berlin Acad. 41, 1911
StH1913A Ma - Struve, H. 1913QB811.B8.......
StH1913A cited by Burnham (Carnegie Inst. Wash. #168, 1913)
StH1932A Ma - Struve, H. 1932QB821.A43......
StH1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
StH1962 Ma j Struve, H. 1962VeBB....1.....S
StH1962 Pub. Berlin Babelsberg Obs. 14, Pt.1, 1962
STTA (O. Struve DD - Appendix list) ...................
Stt1864 Ma - Struve, O. 1864MNRAS..24..149S
Stt1864 MNRAS 24, 149, 1864
Stt1866 orb - Struve, O. .
Stt1866 Bull. Imp. Acad. Sci. St. Petersburg, 1866
Stt1874 orb - Struve, O. .
Stt1874 Compte Rendus 79, 1467, 1874
Stt1875 orb - Struve, O. 1875MNRAS..35..367S
Stt1875 MNRAS 35, 367, 1875
Stt1878 Ma - Struve, O. 1878ObPul...9....1S
Stt1878 Pulkova Observations 9, 1, 1878
Stt1879A Ma - Struve, O. 1879Obs.....2..304G
Stt1879A cited by Gledhill (Obs 2, 304, 1879)
Stt1879B Ma - Struve, O. 1879Obs.....3..245G
Stt1879B cited by Gledhill (Obs 3, 245, 1879)
Stt1879C Ma - Struve, O. 1879Obs.....2..344G
Stt1879C cited by Gledhill (Obs 2, 344, 1879)
Stt1880A Ma - Struve, O. 1880Obs.....2..605H
Stt1880A cited by Hunt (Obs. 3, 605, 1880)
Stt1880B Ma - Struve, O. 1880Obs.....3..535G
Stt1880B cited by Gledhill (Obs 3, 535, 1880)
Stt1880C Ma - Struve, O. 1880MNRAS..40..497B
Stt1880C cited by Burnham (MNRAS 40, 497, 1880)
Stt1884A Ma - Struve, O. 1884AReg...22..216S
Stt1884A cited by Sadler (Astr. Register 22, 216, 1884)
Stt1893a Ma j Struve, O. 1893ObPul..10....1S
Stt1893a Pulkova Obs. Observations 10, 1, 1893
Stt1906A Ma - Struve, O. 1906MmRAS..56....1L
Stt1906A cited by Lewis (MemRAS 56, 1, 1906)
Stt1906B Ma j Struve, O. 1906QB821.B972.....
Stt1906B cited in BDS (Burnham Double Star Cat., 1906)
Stt1908A Ma - Struve, O. 1908MNRAS..68..465B
Stt1908A cited by Barnard (MNRAS 68, 465, 1908)
Stt1913A Ma - Struve, O. 1913QB811.B8.......
Stt1913A cited by Burnham (Carnegie Inst. Wash. #168, 1913)
Stt1914A Ma - Struve, O. 1914AN....198..107R
Stt1914A cited by Rabe (AN 198, 107, 1914)
Stt1932A Ma - Struve, O. 1932QB821.A43......
Stt1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat., 1932)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16278+2054 STH 3 AB 1998 15 286 2.3 8.37 12.40 G 162746.52+205344.2
16278+2054 STH 3 AB 2001 16 316 3.6 8.37 12.40 G 162746.52+205344.2
16278+2054 STH 3 AB 2016 16 285 2.1 8.37 12.40 G 162746.52+205344.2

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