WDS 13203+1746 A 2166 AB (KR Com) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
A 2166 Elongations doubtful, quadrant indeterminate. B__1963b
Primary is eclipsing binary KR Com (period 0.40796 day). Zas2010
Omega corrected from 0.0 to 180.0 by Ruymaekers & Nys (1995) Ruy1995
Zasche et al. (2010) derived a combined solution orbit, based on Zas2010b
published astrometry plus minima timings of the close-contact
binary KR Com, which comprises the primary of the Aitken pair.
Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic
masses of 7.10 +/- 3.80, 2.75, and 1.10 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012
refcode metd author reference
B__1963b Ma j van den Bos, W.H. 1963AJ.....68..582V
B__1963b AJ 68, 582, 1963
Mlk2012 not - Malkov, O.Yu., Tamazian, V.S., Docobo, J.A., & Chulkov, D.A. 2012A&A...546A..69M
Mlk2012 A&A 546, A69, 2012
Ruy1995 orb - Ruymaekers, G. & Nys, O. 1995IAUDS.126....1R
Ruy1995 Inf. Circ. 126, 1, 1995
Zas2010 - Zasche, P. ...................
Zas2010 private communication, 2010
Zas2010b orb - Zasche, P. & Uhlar, R. 2010A&A...519A..78Z
Zas2010b A&A 519, A78, 2010
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
13203+1746 A 2166 AB 2020 53 326 0.1 7.78 8.38 F8V NO 132015.78+174557.7
13203+1746 A 2166 AB 2021 54 341 0.1 7.78 8.38 F8V NO 132015.78+174557.7

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.