WDS 08255-5144 DUN 69 AB (HD 71510) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
DUN 69 B is CD-51@3003.
refcode metd author reference
Dun1829 Ma - Dunlop, J. 1829MmRAS...3..257D
Dun1829 MemRAS 3, 257, 1829
Dun1829 some measures corrected in LRR2022
Sza2020 S+ j Souza, T.B., Guerrero, C.A. & Fernandes, M.B. 2020AJ....159..132S
Sza2020 +Hg AJ 159, 132, 2020
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08255-5144 DUN 69 AB 1998 19 218 26.1 5.14 9.63 B2Ve N D 082531.33-514338.7
08255-5144 DUN 69 AB 2015 21 218 25.7 5.14 9.63 B2Ve N 082531.33-514338.7

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