WDS 12251+2647 LNV 9 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
LnV2020 C - Luna, V. .
LnV2020 Il Bollettino Delle Stelle Doppie 32, 60, 2020
LnV2021a C - Luna, V. .
LnV2021a Il Bollettino Delle Stelle Doppie 33, 4, 2021
LnV2021b C - Luna, V. .
LnV2021b Il Bollettino Delle Stelle Doppie 34, 4, 2021
LnV2022 C - Luna, V. .
LnV2022 Il Bollettino Delle Stelle Doppie 35, 4, 2022
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
12251+2647 LNV 9 2020 1 7 3.5 12.00 15.10 W 122506.29+264721.3

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