WDS 23415+5955 KPP 4400 AD : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
FOX 50AB 2MASS images seem to indicate this is a close 2" pair, but not Skf2018f
measured yet.
refcode metd author reference
Skf2018f not j Skiff, B.A. ...................
Skf2018f private communication, 2018 (9 March emails; may not be properly precessed)
idgroup discov author
1 FOX Fox, P.
12 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
61 KPP Knapp, W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23415+5955 KPP4400 AD 2015 2 221 2.7 11.30 15.30 T 234127.96+595324.2
23415+5955 KPP4400 AD 2016 3 221 2.7 11.30 15.30 T 234127.96+595324.2

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.