WDS 22150+5703 STG 10 AE : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ENG 84 23 Cep = eps Cep. A is a Delta Scuti-type variable.
B is BD+56@2744.
AB: Optical pair, based on study of relative motion of the components
using the method of apparent motion parameters. Kiy2008
MWT 1 Aa,Ab: Candidate close companion to eps Cep is estimated to be of
spectral type K8-M2, mass ~0.5 Msun, radius ~0.7 Rsun, temperature 3
650K, age ~600 Myr. Distance from the primary >= 8.6au. Mwt2011
refcode metd author reference
Kiy2008 - Kiyaeva, O.V., Kiselev, A.A. & Izmailov, I.S. 2008SvAL...32..405K
Kiy2008 SvAL 34, 405, 2008
Mwt2011 Aw j Mawet, D., Mennesson, B., Serabyn, E., Stapelfeldt, K., & Absil, O. 2011ApJ...738L..12M
Mwt2011 ApJL 738, 12, 2011
idgroup discov author
1 ARN Arnold, D.
100 ENG changed from EN to ENG and that for Engelhardt from ENG to ENH. This has led to
131 STG Struve, G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22150+5703 STG 10 AE 2010 2 220 109.1 4.21 12.40 F0IV N 221502.19+570236.8
22150+5703 STG 10 AE 2013 3 221 108.8 4.21 12.40 F0IV N 221502.19+570236.8

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