WDS 06305+2940 BEC 1 BC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
DAE 9 WSP 12. WASP-12. Bergfors et al (2013) estimate spectral types G0V Brg2013
and K0-M0V. WASP-12b is one of the largest and hottest transiting
planets; period 1.09d. Bergfors 6 is a point source ~3 mags fainter,
at a separation of 1". Based on color, the companion is an M0-M1 main-
sequence star. Relative photometry suggests Bergfors 6 is ~50% closer
to Earth than is WASP-12, and that their consistent radial velocities
are coincidental. If Bergfors 6 is a binary M dwarf system near
conjunction, however, it could lie at a similar distance to WASP-12
and the system could be gravitationally bound. Csf2012
BEC 1 BC: Bechter et al. (2014) resolved the 1" companion to WASP 12 into 2
~equal magnitude stars, separated by 84 mas. Both components appear to
be physically associated with the primary. Spectral types of B and C
components M3V, masses 0.38 +/- 0.05 and 0.37 +/- 0.05 Msun. Bec2014
refcode metd author reference
Bec2014 A j Bechter, E.B., Crepp, J.R., Ngo, H., Knutson, H.A., Batygin, K., Hinkley, S., 2014ApJ...788....2B
Bec2014 Muirhead, P.S., Johnson, J.A., Howard, A.W., Montet, B.T., Matthews, C.T., &
Bec2014 Morton, T.D.
Bec2014 ApJ 788, 2, 2014
Bec2014 (Their B and C component relabelled as Ba and Bb. Measures for close pairs
Bec2014 generated from their A,Ba and A,Bb data)
Brg2013 Cl j Bergfors, C. Brandner, W., Daemgen, S., Biller, B., Hippler, S., Janson, M., 2013MNRAS.428..182B
Brg2013 Kudryavtseva, N., Geissler, K., Henning, T., & Koehler, R.
Brg2013 MNRAS 428, 182, 2013
Csf2012 H+ j Crossfield, I.J.M., Barman, T., Hansen, B.M.S., Tanaka, I., & Kodama, T. 2012ApJ...760..140C
Csf2012 +Ci ApJ 760, 140, 2012
idgroup discov author
1 DAE Daemgen, S., Siegler, N., Reid, I.N., & Close, L.M.
2 DAE Daemgen, S., Hormuth, F., Brandner, W., Bergfors, C., Janson, M., Hippler, S., &
2 DAE Henning, T.
5 DAE Daemgen, S., Petr-Gotzens, M.G., Correia, S., Teixeira, P.S., Brandner, W.,
5 DAE Kley, W., & Zinnecker, H.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
06305+2940 BEC 1 BC 2013 2 166 0.1 14.40 14.40 M3V M3V N K 063032.79+294020.2

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