WDS 08291+1010 BRT 3376 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BRT3376 Unnumbered pair, following BRT1250 in Barton's list. Brt1935a
A likely plate flaw. Grv2021b
refcode metd author reference
Brt1935a Pa - Barton, S.G. 1935AJ.....44..105B
Brt1935a +Ma AJ 44, 105, 1935
Grv2021b not - Greaves, J. .
Grv2021b private communication, 2021 (23 Feb 2021 email)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08291+1010 BRT3376 1913 1 295 2.7 10.71 11.30 N 082908.84+100940.5

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