WDS 18287+0016 SHC 2 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
SHC 2 Primary is young stellar object [HMH2007] 20. The companion shows IR
excess, and is identified as a young low-mass companion candidate. ShC2011
refcode metd author reference
ShC2011 Hi j Shirono, C., Itoh, Y., & Oasa, Y. 2011PASJ...63.1071S
ShC2011 +Ci PASJ 63, 1071, 2011
ShC2011 (JHK mags for primaries from 2MASS. Dates for Spitzer measures extracted from
ShC2011 Spitzer/IRAC Archive. Coarse date of 2008 given for Subaru data unless actual
ShC2011 observation date listed in paper.)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
18287+0016 SHC 2 2004 1 88 5.7 13.41 15.00 K 182840.25+001617.3

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