WDS 15351-4110 RIZ 15 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
HJ 4786 gam Lup. Variable RV.
Heintz (1956) reports that this orbit is not well known. Hei1956b
1976.471: Heintz (1956) reports that this orbit is not Hei1956b
well known. BLM1978
Magnitudes changed to Hipparcos V magnitude on recommendation of Ross Fab2000a
Gould. Glr2022
refcode metd author reference
BLM1978 S j Morgan, B.L., Beddoes, D.R., Scaddan, R.J. & Dainty, J.C. 1978MNRAS.183..701M
BLM1978 MNRAS 183, 701, 1978
Fab2000a Hh - Fabricius, C. & Makarov, V.V. 2000A&A...356..141F
Fab2000a A&A 356, 141, 2000
Glr2022 not u Gould, R. ...................
Glr2022 private communication, 2022 (11 August email)
Hei1956b orb - Heintz, W.D. 1956AN....283..145H
Hei1956b AN 283, 145, 1956
idgroup discov author
1 HJ Herschel, J.F.W.
50 RIZ Rizzuto, A.C., Ireland, M.J., Robertson, J.G., Kok, Y., Tuthill, P.G.,
50 RIZ Warrington, B.A., Haubois, X., Tango, W.J., Norris, B., ten Brummelaar, T.,
50 RIZ Kraus, A.L., Jacob, A., & Laliberte-Houdeville, C.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
15351-4110 RIZ 15 AC 1999 1 210 39.1 2.77 17.00 B2IV N 153508.41-411000.4

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