WDS 19062-0453 JNN 10 A,Du : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
EHR 16 Primary is lam Aql. Companion appears to be a background star. Ehr2010
JNN 10 The usual capital letter component designations (e.g., AB, AC, etc.)
are insufficient to accommodate the very large number of companions
discovered by Janson et al. (2011), so upper/lower case combinations Jnn2011b
(A,Ca; A,Cb; etc.) were utilized. Since none of the JNN 10 companions
appear to be physical, the lower case letters here are not meant to
indicate any sort of hierarchical structure within this system.
refcode metd author reference
Ehr2010 Ao j Ehrenreich, D., Lagrange, A.-M., Montagnier, G., Chauvin, G., Galland, F. 2010A&A...523A..73E
Ehr2010 Beuzit, J.-L., & Rameau. J.
Ehr2010 A&A 523, A73, 2010
Jnn2011b A - Janson, M., Bonavita, M., Klahr, H., Lafreniere, D., Jayawardhana, R., 2011ApJ...736...89J
Jnn2011b & Zinnecker, H.
Jnn2011b ApJ 736, 89, 2011
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19062-0453 JNN 10 A,Du 2010 1 92 8.3 3.48 21.70 B9V N DK 190614.95-045256.4

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