WDS 11098-7731 PSI 3 BC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
PSI 3 Perci et al. (2005) found [KG2001] 102 to consist of 4 components, Psi2005
all within a 2" region. The A component is determined to be
substellar, with a mass of 33-55 Mjup at a distance of 160 pc. The C
and D components are believed to be physical companions, but the B
component, of spectral type K7V, is probably a background star at a
distance of about 550 pc. Nearby star "Anon1" was also found to be
refcode metd author reference
Psi2005 Ci j Persi, P., Tapia, M., Gomez, M., Roth, M., & Marenzi, A.R. 2005A&A...431..539P
Psi2005 +C A&A 431, 539, 2005
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
11098-7731 PSI 3 BC 2003 1 130 1.6 13.40 16.30 N K 110948.63-773122.1

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