WDS 19507-5912 SHY 761 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
I 121 Aa,Ab: Rectilinear solution by Zirm (2013). Zir2013d
SHY 759 AB: HIP 97646 + HIP 97581.
SHY 761 AC: HIP 97646 + HIP 98174.
refcode metd author reference
Zir2013d orb - Zirm, H. 2013IAUDS.180....1Z
Zir2013d +lin Inf. Circ. 180, 1, 2013
idgroup discov author
1 I Innes, R.T.A.
5 I MNRAS 57, 533, 1897 (data also in I__1897b,
5 I I__1897c)
91 SHY Shaya, E.J. & Olling, R.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
19507-5912 SHY 761 AC 1999 3 70 999.9 5.48 5.24 A0IV B9.5 NVD 195044.80-591137.2
19507-5912 SHY 761 AC 2016 4 70 999.9 5.48 5.24 A0IV+B9.5 NV 195044.80-591137.2

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