WDS 11367+2128 STF 1558 AB,C : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
STF1558 AB,C: HJL 150. HJL1986
refcode metd author reference
HJL1986 Pa - Halbwachs, J.L. 1986A&AS...66..131H
HJL1986 A&AS 66, 131, 1986
HJL1986 (Possible CPM pairs from AGK2/3. Coarse astrometry, incl. mean 1950 dates, added
HJL1986 only for previously unknown pairs. Table 1: HJL 1 - 326, Table 2: HJL1001 - 1113)
idgroup discov author
1 GII Gili, R.
22 GII Gili, R., Prieur, J.-L., Rivet, J.-P., Scardia, M., Pansecchi, L., Argyle, R.W.,
22 GII Ling, J.F., Piccotti, L., Aristidi, E., Koechlin, L., Bonneau, D. & Maccarini, L.
23 GII Gili, R., Prieur, J.-L., Rivet, J.-P., Vakili, F., Scardia, M., Pansecchi, L.,
23 GII Argyle, R.W., Ling, J.F., Piccotti, L., Aristidi, E., Koechlin, L., Bonneau, D.,
23 GII Maccarini, L. & Serot, J.
24 GII Gili, R., Prieur, J.-L., Rivet, J.-P., Vakili, F., Scardia, M., Pansecchi, L.,
24 GII Argyle, R.W., Ling, J.F., Piccotti, L., Aristidi, E., Koechlin, L., Bonneau, D.,
24 GII Maccarini, L. & Serot, J.
27 STF Struve, F.G.W.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
11367+2128 STF1558 AB,C 2009 29 277 43.5 9.92 9.89 G5 NVD 113641.29+212813.3
11367+2128 STF1558 AB,C 2017 31 276 43.3 9.92 9.89 G5 NV 113641.28+212813.6

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