WDS 08327+2026 ZHN 3 (Eta Cnc) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
ZHN 3 Primary is eta Cas. First known wide pair comprised of an L dwarf and
a giant. Zhn2010
refcode metd author reference
Zhn2010 Es j Zhang, Z.H., Pinfield, D.J., Day-Jones, A.C., Burningham, B., Jones, H.R.A., 2010MNRAS.404.1817Z
Zhn2010 +E2 Yu, S., Jenkins, J.S., Han, Z., et al.
Zhn2010 +Ek MNRAS 404, 1817, 2010
Zhn2010 (Paper gives no dates or position angles. Coarse date of 2007 assigned to all
Zhn2010 UKIDSS photometry. Approximate theta value for eta Cnc determined from Aladin
Zhn2010 image; match against 2MASS Catalog generated new rho and theta values)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
08327+2026 ZHN 3 2004 1 280 164.2 5.33 20.00 K3III L3. N 083242.50+202627.7

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