WDS 16415-4359 PRB 6 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
PRB 6 Primary is GJ 634, secondary is WD 1626-41 = LTT 6576. Possible CPM
pair, according to Probst (1983). Prb1983
refcode metd author reference
Prb1983 Ci - Probst, R.G. 1983ApJS...53..335P
Prb1983 ApJS 53, 335, 1983
Prb1983 (JHK photometry of WDs, list of possible CPM pairs with coarse astrometry)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16415-4359 PRB 6 1999 1 313 999.9 12.73 14.70 M1.5D DA N D 164128.29-435910.9

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