WDS 23121+4517 BU 1528 : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
BU 1528 See star at 23108+4531. Burnham thinks this star more likely to be Bu_1913
HJ 1853.
refcode metd author reference
Bu_1913 Ma j Burnham, S.W. 1913QB811.B8.......
Bu_1913 +Pa Carnegie Inst. Wash. #168, 1913
Bu_1913 +T
idgroup discov author
1 BU Burnham, S.W. (BU 1 - 81)
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
23121+4517 BU 1528 2004 8 191 33.8 9.83 11.39 N D 231211.19+451618.3
23121+4517 BU 1528 2010 9 191 33.9 9.83 11.39 N 231211.19+451618.3
23121+4517 BU 1528 2016 10 192 34.1 9.83 11.39 N 231211.19+451618.3

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