WDS 22426-4713 COO 252 AB (NSV14277) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
COO 252 A is variable.
AB: Primary is possible astrometric pair. Jones et al. (2002) CPS2002b
do not detect SB with precise RV Tok2014d
refcode metd author reference
CPS2002b not - Jones, H.R.A., Butler, R.P., Marcy, G.W., Tinney, C.G., Penny, A.J., McCarthy, C., 2002MNRAS.337.1170J
CPS2002b & Carter, B.D.
CPS2002b MNRAS 337, 1170, 2002
Tok2014d E2 - Tokovinin, A. 2014AJ....147...86T
Tok2014d AJ 147, 86, 2014
idgroup discov author
1 COO Cordoba Obs.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22426-4713 COO 252 AB 2010 16 123 7.1 6.00 11.10 G0V NVD 224236.88-471236.0
22426-4713 COO 252 AB 2013 16 121 8.4 6.00 11.10 G0V NVD 224236.88-471236.0
22426-4713 COO 252 AB 2016 17 125 7.1 6.00 11.10 G0V NV 224236.88-471238.9

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