WDS 22425+4110 COU 2710 AC : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
COU2710 AC: No closer pair seen. B__1963b
AC: A was single in 1957, and not seen double by Heintz, who concluded Cou1958a
who concluded that Espin measured another star (GCB 64). Hence the Hei1983a
pair ES 1699 probably does not exist.
refcode metd author reference
B__1963b Ma j van den Bos, W.H. 1963AJ.....68..582V
B__1963b AJ 68, 582, 1963
Cou1958a M+ - Couteau, P. 1958JO.....41....1C
Cou1958a +Pa J. Obs. 41, 1-14, 1958
Hei1983a M+ j Heintz, W.D. 1983ApJS...51..249H
Hei1983a +Po ApJS 51, 249, 1983
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22425+4110 COU2710 AC 1998 8 154 17.4 11.55 11.90 N D 224231.60+411009.4
22425+4110 COU2710 AC 2002 9 154 17.4 11.55 11.90 N D 224231.60+411009.4
22425+4110 COU2710 AC 2015 10 153 17.5 11.55 11.90 N 224231.60+411009.4

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.