WDS 22357+5312 A 1470 (HD 214222) : NOTES
discov_num notes refcode
A 1470 1985.8481: Autocorrelogram was remeasured; new results in catalog
Tokovinin gives combined spectroscopic/visual orbit, also yielding
orbital parallax and component masses and absolute magnitudes. Tok1993
Pourbaix gives combined solution for this resolved SB2, yielding Pbx2000b
orbital parallaxes and component masses.
Malkov et al. (2012) derive dynamical, photometric, and spectroscopic
masses of 1.95 +/- 0.40, 1.85, and 1.26 Msun, respectively. Mlk2012
For the Horch et al. (2015) combined solution, the spectroscopic
elements are fixed to those of Pourbaix (2000). Assigned spectral Pbx2000b
types are G2V and G3V; derived masses 1.00 and 0.97 Msun. Hor2015
refcode metd author reference
Hor2015 S j Horch, E.P., van Altena, W.F., Demargue, P., Howell, S.B., Everett, M.E., 2015AJ....149..151H
Hor2015 +orb Ciardi, D.R., Teske, J.K., Henry, T.J., & Winters, J.G.
Hor2015 AJ 149, 151, 2015
Mlk2012 not - Malkov, O.Yu., Tamazian, V.S., Docobo, J.A., & Chulkov, D.A. 2012A&A...546A..69M
Mlk2012 A&A 546, A69, 2012
Pbx2000b orb - Pourbaix, D. 2000A&AS..145..215P
Pbx2000b A&AS 145, 215, 2000
Tok1993 orb - Tokovinin, A.A. 1993AstL...19...73T
Tok1993 SvAL 19, 73, 1993 (Pisma Astron. Zhur. 19, 181, 1993)
idgroup discov author
1 A Aitken, R.G.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
22357+5312 A 1470 1999 55 106 0.2 9.00 9.00 G0IV NOD 223542.60+531214.0
22357+5312 A 1470 2010 56 312 0.1 9.00 9.00 G0IV NOD 223542.60+531214.0
22357+5312 A 1470 2014 60 53 0.1 9.00 9.00 G2V G3V NO 223542.60+531214.0
22357+5312 A 1470 2015 64 67 0.1 9.00 9.00 G2V+G3V NO 223542.60+531214.0

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