20238+3830 BKO 153 BF

20h 23m 48.89s +38° 30' 03.8" P.A. 323.00 sep 16.0 mag 12.12,13.70
Coord 2000 20238+3830 Discov num BKO 153 Comp BF Coord arcsec 2000 20 23 48.89 +38 30 03.8
Date first 1998 Date last 2015 Obs 9
Pa first 323 Pa last 322.8 P.A. Now (θ) 322.8°
Sep first 16.0 Sep last 16.04 Sep. Now (ρ) 16.04"
Mag pri 12.12 Mag sec 13.70 delta mag (ΔM) 1.58 Spectral class
Pri motion ra -004 Sec motion ra -008
Pri motion dec -003 Sec motion dec -001
Notes N (See Notes)
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Show name SAO coord wds_name last obs pa sep mag1 mag2 d_mag orb current
Show V2031 Cyg 69957 20 23 51 +38 29 34 BUP 209 AB 2015 13 320 38.5 8.65 12.12 3.47
Show 69957 20 23 51 +38 29 34 BUP 209 AC 2015 23 296 65.8 8.65 9.34 0.69
Show 69957 20 23 51 +38 29 34 BKO 153 AD 2015 14 119 54.6 8.65 11.50 2.85
Show 20 23 49 +38 30 04 BKO 153 BE 2015 9 264 14.7 12.12 14.08 1.96
Show 20 23 49 +38 30 04 BKO 153 BF 2015 9 323 16.0 12.12 13.70 1.58 <===
Show 20 23 49 +38 30 04 BKO 153 BG 2015 9 31 14.6 12.12 14.40 2.28
Show 20 23 49 +38 30 04 FYM 128 BH 2015 8 223 10.9 12.12 15.56 3.44
Show 20 23 49 +38 30 04 FYM 128 BI 2015 8 57 32.2 12.12 14.41 2.29
Ninefold system
9 estimated visually detectable stars in this system
Constellation Cygnus Gaia DR2 2061130753535982464