16175-5402 ALD 60

16h 17m 30.38s -54° 01' 59.9" P.A. 222.00 sep 3.7 mag 10.93,11.20
Coord 2000 16175-5402 Discov num ALD  60 Comp Coord arcsec 2000 16 17 30.38 -54 01 59.9
Date first 1929 Date last 2000 Obs 3
Pa first 185 Pa last 222.3 P.A. Now (θ) 222.3°
Sep first 1.5 Sep last 3.7 Sep. Now (ρ) 3.7"
Mag pri 10.93 Mag sec 11.20 delta mag (ΔM) 0.27 Spectral class
Pri motion ra +000 Sec motion ra
Pri motion dec -005 Sec motion dec
Nature of this double is uncertain.
Constellation Norma Gaia DR2 5932209069753400832
WDS 16175-5402 ALD 60 : NOTES
No records found.

refcode metd author reference
Ald1924 Po - Alden, H.L. 1924AJ.....35..167A
Ald1924 AJ 35, 167, 1924
Ald1925 orb - Alden, H.L. 1925AJ.....36...81A
Ald1925 AJ 36, 81, 1925
Ald1928 Po j Alden, H.L. 1928AJ.....39...20A
Ald1928 AJ 39, 20, 1928
Ald1929 Po - Alden, H.L. 1929AJ.....39..154A
Ald1929 AJ 39, 154, 1929
Ald1931 Po - Alden, H.L. 1931AJ.....41...52A
Ald1931 AJ 41, 52, 1931
Ald1932A - Alden, H.L. 1932QB821.A43......
Ald1932A cited in ADS (Aitken Double Star Cat.), 1932
Ald1935 - Alden, H.L. 1935AJ.....44..191A
Ald1935 AJ 44, 191, 1935
Ald1936a Po - Alden, H.L. 1936AJ.....45...73A
Ald1936a AJ 45, 73, 1936
Ald1936b orb - Alden, H.L. 1936AJ.....45...82A
Ald1936b AJ 45, 82, 1936
Ald1936c orb - Alden, H.L. 1936AJ.....45..113A
Ald1936c AJ 45, 113, 1936
Ald1938a orb - Alden, H.L. 1938AJ.....46..189A
Ald1938a AJ 46, 189, 1938
Ald1938b orb - Alden, H.L. 1938AJ.....47....9A
Ald1938b AJ 47, 9, 1938
Ald1939a orb - Alden, H.L. 1939AJ.....47..185A
Ald1939a AJ 47, 185, 1939
Ald1939b orb - Alden, H.L. 1939AJ.....48...81A
Ald1939b AJ 48, 81, 1939
Ald1942 orb - Alden, H.L. 1942AJ.....50...73A
Ald1942 AJ 50, 73, 1942
Ald1943 Po - Alden, H.L. 1943AJ.....50..139A
Ald1943 AJ 50, 139, 1943
Ald1945 Po - Alden, H.L. 1945AJ.....51..195A
Ald1945 AJ 51, 195, 1945
Ald1946 orb - Alden, H.L. 1946AJ.....52...73A
Ald1946 AJ 52, 73, 1946
Ald1951 orb - Alden, H.L. 1951AJ.....56...34A
Ald1951 AJ 56, 34, 1951
Ald1957 Po - Alden, H.L. 1957AJ.....62Q.276A
Ald1957 AJ 62, 276, 1957
Ald9999 Po - Alden, H.L. ...................
Ald9999 Unpublished, manuscript or reference not found.
coord_2000 discov_num comp epoch obs pa sep mag_pri mag_sec spectr notes coord_arcsec_2000
16175-5402 ALD 60 1938 2 185 1.5 10.93 11.20 161730.38-540159.9
16175-5402 ALD 60 2000 3 222 3.7 10.93 11.20 161730.38-540159.9

If you need more information about this double, apply for a data request form to the WDS.

No records found.

WDS 16175-5402 ALD 60 : MEASURES
No records found.


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Components only
WDS 16175-5402 : ALADIN DSS IMAGE @
Error -22130
Not valid ID.
Error -22130
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Not valid ID.